Bi-Lobster - On My Neck.flac

歌手 : BiLobster 
语种 : 国语

Bi-Lobster - On My Neck.flac

On My Neck - Bi-Lobster

Lyrics by:Bi-Lobster

Composed by:Bi-Lobster

All people try to make their house bigger

They want to play the baseball in the bedroom

We don't know if the animals have same feelings

My job is to be a normal bone and keep my life boring

Hi how are you

I'm lying on the sidewalk

The rain's beating down on me

The only thing I could feel was numb

I heard the horns of passing cars

Hey I'm so scared

I want to be a child and I want to be hugged

I'm always late

People always blame me

I always quarrel with people and say something nasty

So people should not love me

They should not love me

Someday the robots will go on the street

Maybe today is the last day we can free to breathe

The story will turn to dark and horry

Can u see there's a knife on on on my neck

I'm so tired

Why is it like I'm nonexistent

Nobody can see me

I want to do the right thing too

Will you listen to me

Will you listen to me

I'm afraid I'm sick

You said you'd be here

You said you'd stay with me

You said I could stop being scared

You said everything would pass

You've given me your word

You are the one who should be punished

You are the one

Can you wake me up

I'm so sorry

I swear I'll never be an alcoholic again

I swear to be the one who makes you proud

I vowed never again to obsess over things that made me bad

I swear never to lie again

Can you give me a call Will you listen to me

Can you wake me up when I'm not so embarrassed

Can you give me a call Will you listen to me

Can you wake me up when I'm not so embarrassed

Please I'm so sorry Will you listen to me