
歌手 : JC 
语种 : 国语


You dont want to go there

See u being sneaky trying to creep my mind

When it comes to playing it it aint fair

Better show me what Im working with behind

Throw that ass on me you gotta freak it like u want some

work it like a geine wishes like you want some

You know Im going to drive you into ocean

baby imma gonna take to the motion



Feeling at first sight 第一眼的感觉

First contact 第一次的接触

The first meeting 第一次的相遇

ye ye ye ye 陪我喝到杯底

ye ye ye ye 头头是道群里


我花了money 我真的问心无愧



You dont want to go there

See u being sneaky trying to creep my mind

When it comes to playing it it aint fair

Better show me what Im working with behind

Throw that ass on me you gotta freak it like u want some

work it like a geine wishes like you want some

You know Im going to drive you into ocean

baby imma gonna take to the motion

勾起curiosisty 想怎么得到你的芳心uhuh


aj1 加格子裙的清新连邻里都说你德艺双馨

再club 看到你绝不能掉以轻心now



即使是firstday we meet

也轻易带你回家even though dont know my name


we can do make it

girl 你甜的像lollipop

do let me taste it


交谈在舒适的低气压my babe

call me king 这碗做你鱼虾my babe

仰卧起坐my babe



younglife 学会挥霍

You dont want to go there

See u being sneaky trying to creep my mind

When it comes to playing it it aint fair

Better show me what Im working with behind

Throw that ass on me you gotta freak it like u want some

work it like a geine wishes like you want some

You know Im going to drive you into ocean

baby imma gonna take to the motion