

  • 美国
  • 别名:肯尼思·洛纳根、肯尼斯·洛勒根
  • 外文名:
  • 身高:173cm
  • 星座:天秤座
  • 人气:0°
  • 介绍:Kenneth Lonergan is a playwright, screenwriter and director. His film You Can Count On Me, which he wrote and directed, was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Screenplay, won the Sundance 2000 Grand Jury Prize and the Waldo Salt Screenwriting Award, the NY Film Critics Circle, LA Film Critics Circle, Writers Guild of America and National Board of Review awards for Best Screenplay of 2001, the AFI awards for Best Film and Best New Writer. He co-wrote the film Gangs Of New York which garnered a WGA and Academy Award nomination for Best Original Screenplay. As a playwright he has been represented in New York by Lobby Hero, (Playwrights Horizons, John Houseman Theatre, Drama Desk Best Play nominee, Outer Critics Circle Best Play and John Gassner Playwrighting nominee, included in the 2000-2001 Best Plays annual), The Waverly Gallery (Williamstown Theatre Festival, Promenade; 2001 Pulitzer Prize runner-up), and This is our Youth (Drama Desk Best Play nominee). Lobby Hero (Olivier Award Nominee for Best Play) and This Is Our Youth have also received productions on Londons West End.


  • Kenneth Lonergan is a playwright, screenwriter and director. His film You Can Count On Me, which he wrote and directed, was nominated for an Academy Award for Best Screenplay, won the Sundance 2000 Grand Jury Prize and the Waldo Salt Screenwriting Award, the NY Film Critics Circle, LA Film Critics Circle, Writers Guild of America and National Board of Review awards for Best Screenplay of 2001, the AFI awards for Best Film and Best New Writer. He co-wrote the film Gangs Of New York which garnered a WGA and Academy Award nomination for Best Original Screenplay. As a playwright he has been represented in New York by Lobby Hero, (Playwrights Horizons, John Houseman Theatre, Drama Desk Best Play nominee, Outer Critics Circle Best Play and John Gassner Playwrighting nominee, included in the 2000-2001 Best Plays annual), The Waverly Gallery (Williamstown Theatre Festival, Promenade; 2001 Pulitzer Prize runner-up), and This is our Youth (Drama Desk Best Play nominee). Lobby Hero (Olivier Award Nominee for Best Play) and This Is Our Youth have also received productions on Londons West End.


2002年,担任犯罪喜剧电影《老大靠边闪2》的编剧,该片由哈罗德·雷米斯执导;同年,担任剧情电影《纽约黑帮》的编剧 ,该片入围第56届英国电影学院奖电影类-最佳原创剧本奖 、第75届奥斯卡金像奖最佳原创剧本奖 。

2011年,自编自导由马特·达蒙、安娜·帕奎因共同主演的剧情电影《玛格丽特》,该片讲述了纽约女中学生丽莎目睹了一场车祸,为了调查车祸背后的疑点而屡屡受阻并最终知道真相的故事 ,他凭借该片入围第32届伦敦影评人协会奖最佳编剧奖。

2017年,自编自导由卡西·阿弗莱克、米歇尔·威廉姆斯、凯尔·钱德勒联合主演的剧情电影《海边的曼彻斯特》,该片获得第89届奥斯卡金像奖最佳原创剧本奖 、第70届英国电影学院奖电影类-最佳原创剧本奖 ,他凭借该片入围第89届奥斯卡金像奖最佳导演奖 ;同年,担任电视剧《霍华德庄园》的编剧 。2019年,担任爱情短片《回忆中的一抹淡蓝》的编剧。



肯尼斯·罗纳根的父亲是医生,母亲是精神科医生 。父亲是爱尔兰后裔,母亲是犹太人[13-14] 。在他五岁时父母离婚,母亲一年多后再婚,继父是犹太人,他和母亲一同搬进纽约的中央公园西部大楼 。




导演肯尼斯·罗纳根是一个才华横溢的编剧,擅长展现角色脆弱、渺小和与其他人发生交集的瞬间。他喜欢塑造情感受到伤害的角色,他们挣扎在自我完善的困扰中。影片《海边的曼彻斯特》像一首节奏讲究、细节微妙的抒情诗。但是罗纳根作品中独有的特定文化、地区性背景所带来的情感冲击力,也让影片有些难以理解,至少它无法被来自不同国家的所有观众充分欣赏 (Mtime时光网评)。

在电影《海边的曼彻斯特》中,导演肯尼斯·罗纳根的成熟和深厚功底得以展现,他没有用落于俗套的煽情方式来表达悲伤的故事 。而且,他大胆引入了大量的闪回镜头,以多次突如其来的倒叙打断正在进行的叙事,通过现实与过往的穿插,将李和乔的生活历程逐步揭示出来。从电影语言的角度来说,对叙事时间的巧妙安排无疑是该片最大的特色 。同时,继承了西方戏剧精神和艺术表现技巧,以影像的方式发扬光大。具体体现为古希腊命运悲剧的传承与突破,人文精神烛照下小人物命运的书写,意识流技巧呈现人物内心世界,散文化结构讲述日常琐碎人生,叙事控制下的戏剧张力及戏剧节奏。影片叙事风格呈现出漫不经心中的惊心动魄 (《普洱》、《电影评介》、《艺苑》综合评)。
