

  • 中国
  • 别名:卢燕英
  • 外文名:
  • 身高:0cm
  • 星座:天蝎座
  • 人气:0°
  • 介绍:

    Coming from a show business family (his parents were stage actors), Rowland V. Lee began his career as a child actor in stock and on Broadway. He interrupted his stage career for a stint as a Wall Street stockbroker, but gave that up after two years and returned to the stage. Lee was hired by 托马斯·恩斯 as an actor in 1915, and after service in World War I returned to Ince, but this time as a director. Lee didn't specialize in any particula… 更多>>


  • Coming from a show business family (his parents were stage actors), Rowland V. Lee began his career as a child actor in stock and on Broadway. He interrupted his stage career for a stint as a Wall Street stockbroker, but gave that up after two years and returned to the stage. Lee was hired by 托马斯·恩斯 as an actor in 1915, and after service in World War I returned to Ince, but this time as a director. Lee didn't specialize in any particula… 更多>>


战争第一年,她外婆去世了,第二年,她爸爸去世了。失去家中的经济支柱后,卢燕英中学未毕业就因交不起学费而辍学,同时还要要打工接济家用 。但好长时间找不到合适的工作,经常在街头闲逛,偶尔会和朋友一起,跑去片场看拍电影 。


罗兰演过一系列盲婆婆、恶婆婆、垃圾婆、神经婆的角色,尤以《七月十四》、《七月十三之龙婆》系列中的龙婆角色最具震撼力。龙婆是一个香港民间常见的神婆形象,她将这个老太婆演绎得极其生动而传神,大大增强了影片阴森恐怖的效果,使这个角色成为香港电影中的经典角色。在影片《爆裂刑警》中,罗兰扮演一个患有痴呆症的老婆婆,这个角色的戏份不是很多,但罗兰的演出细致入微,使这位老婆婆既令人敬畏又惹人爱怜,为这部刻画人性温情的影片加分不少 。(摘自《香港电影金像奖帝后列传》一书)
