简介:因为孩提时代擦枪走火的意外,马盖先出任务时从不带枪、不使用暴力,以科学知识为工具,利用手边小东西,化危机为转机,在世界各地除暴安良。就地取材,制造足以破坏敌人基地的爆炸物是他的绝招,而随身携带的瑞士刀则是他最好的帮手。美国报章形容《百战天龙》塑造的人物,是现代人梦幻的英雄,比○○七庞德更有办法;赛过「法柜奇兵」敢作敢为的印地安琼斯博。 MacGyver is a different kind of hero - he doesn´t use weapons, he´s afraid of heights, and he´s an expert at making complicated machines out of ordinary things. A fan, a dough-scraper and some duct tape forms an excellent helicopter attack. A cut credit card can help cause a traffic jam. A light bulb makes an outstanding set of lock picks... Pete Thornton is Mac´s best friend, an ex-agent from the DXS who´s now the director of field operations at a think tank called the Phoenix Foundation for Research. If Mac´s not careful, he might bump into Murdoc (Michael Des Barres), a masquerading hitman who seems to have nine lives and a grudge against MacGyver... Or worse, Penny Parker (Teri Hatcher) - the struggling artist who cannot stop talking... or stay out of trouble. Or even worse, Jack Dalton (Bruce McGill) - Mac´s pilot friend who has a natural talent for getting himself and others into even more trouble... On Mac´s side was his grandfather Harry (John Anderson), and Phoenix operative Nikki Carpenter (Elyssa Davalos). The series ran for 7 seasons. It has since become a practical reference guide for DIY-work.

\r\n  中译:高手对决,原名:THE ASSASSIN\r\n\r\n  马盖先这一次必须努力的避免枢机主教被杀手所行刺。\r\n\r\n…
\r\n  中译:政治犯,原名:A PRISONER OF CONSCIENCE\r\n\r\n  马盖先与老皮渗透入一家苏联的精神病院去搭救一个被判为政治犯的朋友。\r\n…
\r\n  中译:铁牢救人,原名:THE ESCAPE\r\n\r\n  马盖先在北非被一个女人所托要求他帮忙营救她身陷牢狱的兄长,只是这对兄妹的身份似乎不单纯……。\r\n\r\n…