• Aun
    2022/1/26 16:09:20
    无意冒犯,但是我感觉镇长夫人很像冰河世纪里的树懒。 镇长是一个又渣又无能的男人,夫人让他上进,他就去搞外遇,跟女主好上了,又放不下夫人。到最后成事不足败事有余,谁都保护不了,还让别人因他受害。 女主呢,也是个白莲花,她的假老公刚死,她就跟镇长表白,让镇长跟他...  (展开)
    无意冒犯,但是我感觉镇长夫人很像冰河世纪里的树懒。 镇长是一个又渣又无能的男人,夫人让他上进,他就去搞外遇,跟女主好上了,又放不下夫人。到最后成事不足败事有余,谁都保护不了,还让别人因他受害。 女主呢,也是个白莲花,她的假老公刚死,她就跟镇长表白,让镇长跟他...  (展开)
  • 彩虹头
    2021/9/1 17:14:46

    也许2016年最好的科幻电影是《孤岛终结》,这是一部中国的独立作品(是的,我们知道在中国没有什么独立电影产业!),由首次担任电影长片导演的王人超导演。 这是一部密集、复杂而又相当简单的电影,有一个结构优美的非线性情节和一个深刻的角色驱动的故事。


    也许2016年最好的科幻电影是《孤岛终结》,这是一部中国的独立作品(是的,我们知道在中国没有什么独立电影产业!),由首次担任电影长片导演的王人超导演。 这是一部密集、复杂而又相当简单的电影,有一个结构优美的非线性情节和一个深刻的角色驱动的故事。


    而且,尽管预算极少,但他还是以某种方式制作了令人印象深刻的效果和令人眼花缭乱的数字显示层。 虽然他没有能力制作他梦想的宇宙飞船史诗,但他确实找到了一种方法,在影片的最后挤进了一艘宇宙飞船。








    昆仑山号--最后一艘殖民船--的船员发现了先前的一艘船的残骸。 几分钟后,三艘神秘的飞船不知从何处出现,试图登上他们。



    这里的故事是以一种简单得多的方式讲述的,尽管它更复杂,并打开了他的电影所处的宇宙。 这里发生了很多事情,有很多秘密。 在影片中,我们的一些最简单的问题得到解答之前,我们已经走了很长一段路,而最后的解决方法完全出乎意料。

    和他的第一部电影一样,他的最新作品制作精美,看起来比预算是他十倍的电影贵得多。 太空船的布景并不大,但他的演员很多,对他们的要求也很高。

    《深空法则》的大部分时间都是在飞船外进行的,太空场景令人印象深刻,有各种不同的飞船设计,有几场大的战斗和激烈的动作场面。 我发现有一个时刻,一艘经过 "摄像机 "附近的机动船看起来相当不真实,太空中的一连串小爆炸看起来像小仙人掌--都是硬的、实的和有刺的--但这些都是我们习惯在任何电脑特效中看到的那种小毛病。 你的普通SyFy频道的网络电影看起来更糟。

    我也为一个涉及到与一个极其致命但以前不为人知的物体的几乎灾难性的遭遇的情节而大呼过瘾。 深空充满了奇怪和难以想象的物体的想法是非常可信的--而王人超想象的那个物体是完全可信的。








    Posted on January 19, 2021 by Mark Cole

    Perhaps the best Science Fiction film of 2016 was The End of the Lonely Island, an independent Chinese effort (and, yes, we know there isn’t much of an Indie film industry in China!) by first time feature film director Wang Renchao. It was a dense, complex and yet fairly simple film, with a beautifully structured non-linear plot and a deeply character driven story.

    Exactly the sort of film you’d expect to garner a Best Foreign Film Oscar nomination — if it weren’t science fiction.

    And, despite a thoroughly minimal budget, Wang somehow crafted impressive effects and dazzling layers of digital displays. While he couldn’t afford to make spaceship epic he dreamed of, he did find a way to squeeze in a spaceship at the end of the film.

    So you can imagine my surprise when Wang’s latest film appeared in my Inbox three years later.

    And not only did he make a new film, but it was that spaceship epic he’s dreamed of — which he could finally achieve thanks to his princely budget of $600,000.

    Well, it’s a lot more than he had last time.

    Earth is in terrible shape, thanks to a host of environmental problems, and most people have abandoned the surface and live underground.

    For over a century, we’ve sent out colony ship after colony ship, trying to reach an Earth-like planet not too far away, but every attempt to reach it has failed.

    And what’s worse, the latest ship is the last one that’s planned.

    Yes, the Earth desperately needs to find a new home for its people, but the reason most of these missions failed is because dissension sprang up among the crews and they destroyed themselves.

    The crew of the Kunlun Mountain — the last colony ship — discover the wreckage of one of the earlier ships. Minutes later three mysterious ships appear from nowhere and try to board them.

    Only these ships are of a type they recognize because they were made by the Earth!…

    This is a radically different film from The End of the Lonely Island:

    Here the story is told in a far simpler way, although it is more complex and opens out the universe in which his films take place. There is a lot going on and a lot of secrets. We are a long way into the film before some of our simplest questions get answered, and the final resolution is completely unexpected.

    As with his first film, Wang’s latest effort is beautifully made and looks far more expensive than films with ten times his budget. The space ship sets aren’t all that big, but he has a large cast and a lot is asked of them.

    Deep In spends much of its running time outside the ship and the space scenes are impressive, with a variety of different ship designs, several major battles and intense action scenes. I spotted one moment when a maneuvering ship passing close to the “camera” looks rather unreal, and a string of small explosions in space look like tiny cactuses — all hard, solid and spiny — but these are minor glitches of the sort we expect in any digital feature. Your average SyFy network movie looks worse.

    Wang also deserves a major shout out for one sequence involving a nearly catastrophic encounter with an exceedingly deadly but previously unknown object. The idea that deep spaces is filled with strange and unimaginable objects is very believable — and the one Wang Renchao imagines is entirely plausible.

    More than anything else, I appreciate one of the major themes, that we carry our own faults and flaws with us, even into space, even on the most desperate mission the human race has ever undertaken.

    It is a seriously dark thought, yet one we all know in our heart of hearts is true.

    All in all, it’s an impressive package: suspense, mystery, secrets, and space battles; crafted with care and an impressive depth of detail; with strong characters and a satisfyingly complex story.

    I’ll confess that I love a good spaceship epic and Deep In is one of the best I’ve seen in some time.

    But it does leave me wondering: what will Wang Renchao do next time, if he gets an even bigger budget? He’s got two new projects in the works, one a sequel to Deep In, and the other something quite different but I’m sure still extraordinary.

    I know I’m looking forward to anything this remarkable young man does!

    (My special thanks to Wang Renchao for sharing his film with me!)

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