• 范海鑫
    2022/10/31 21:01:05
    原本以为苏无名是个虚构角色,最起码在唐朝文字里是没有这号人物的,直到《人面花》里小乞丐名字出现,好奇的我搜了他的名字“牛肃”。 万万没想到,这个牛肃竟然是唐朝有名的小说家,著有唐传奇《纪闻》,还有一部探案小说叫《苏无名》!原书有十卷,可惜的是,绝大部分篇章已...  (展开)
    原本以为苏无名是个虚构角色,最起码在唐朝文字里是没有这号人物的,直到《人面花》里小乞丐名字出现,好奇的我搜了他的名字“牛肃”。 万万没想到,这个牛肃竟然是唐朝有名的小说家,著有唐传奇《纪闻》,还有一部探案小说叫《苏无名》!原书有十卷,可惜的是,绝大部分篇章已...  (展开)
  • Ms.蔬菜
    2015/2/8 14:04:24
    Do you know why people like violence? It is because it feels good. Humans find violence deeply satisfying. But remove the satisfaction, and the act becomes... hollow.

    Alan Turing: When people t
    Do you know why people like violence? It is because it feels good. Humans find violence deeply satisfying. But remove the satisfaction, and the act becomes... hollow.

    Alan Turing: When people talk to each other, they never say what they mean.
    Alan Turing: They say something else and you're expected to just know what they mean.

    Alan Turing: [after telling the story] Now you decide am I a machine,am I a human,am I a war hero,or am I a criminal.
    Detective Robert Nock: I'm not the person to answer that...
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