哈哈,嘴炮无敌 这段太满足幻想了 哈哈哈 可惜票房不好,刚刚盖过budget,wiki上说可能是因为紧随复仇者联盟最终篇上映导致的 However the film under performed, considering the strong test group data, and ended up losing an estimated $
哈哈,嘴炮无敌 这段太满足幻想了 哈哈哈 可惜票房不好,刚刚盖过budget,wiki上说可能是因为紧随复仇者联盟最终篇上映导致的 However the film under performed, considering the strong test group data, and ended up losing an estimated $30 million dollars. Long Shot p...
Since presently the traditional mid-range budgeted original adult rom-com is an endangered species in Hollywood, a warm welcome must be issued to Jonathan Levine’s LONG SHOT,
Since presently the traditional mid-range budgeted original adult rom-com is an endangered species in Hollywood, a warm welcome must be issued to Jonathan Levine’s LONG SHOT, his 7th feature film and a third collaboration with star Seth Rogen, after 50/50 ...
Charlotte Field (Charlize Theron)是一个才貌双全的美国国务卿,而 Fred Flarsky (Seth Rogen)是一个怀才不遇的记者。看似两个没有任何交集的人,命运却让他们相遇,不,应该说再次相遇。 Charlotte16岁的时候曾经作
Charlotte Field (Charlize Theron)是一个才貌双全的美国国务卿,而 Fred Flarsky (Seth Rogen)是一个怀才不遇的记者。看似两个没有任何交集的人,命运却让他们相遇,不,应该说再次相遇。 Charlotte16岁的时候曾经作为Fred的保姆而照顾他,虽然比Fred仅仅大几岁,但是少时...