"I like marrying sounds I know--Greek traditional folk to jazz or classical," she says. "I feel like a painter, taking dabs of color from a wide variety of sources and making something out of it."
"the music of the wind, rain on the slate roof, running water. The nightingale's singing. And then the silence of the snow. Sometimes the mountains would echo to the sound of flutes and clarinets played at festivals in the small Village Square. "
"I was slowly becoming conscious, with increased knowledge of the musical world of my childhood. "
1974年,民主回归希腊后,卡兰卓立刻回到了雅典,在ORA文化中心创办了传统乐器演奏家实验室(Laboratory for Traditional Instrumentalists)。在发现了ECM的同时卡兰卓仿佛发现了一个属于自己的世界——自由的创作氛围,现代主义的方式,“这时我的创作完全依赖我的感觉,不带任何既定的形式上、体裁上的限制和偏见。”这段时间她也开始了大量的电影和戏剧音乐创作。
"I improvised and composed relying entirely on my feeling without any idiomatic or stylistic prejudices. "
"It was a new beginning for me. Wandering opened up world I've been travelling ever since. The directors I've worked with have allowed me great freedom, and their images have given me a fantastic pretext to express my deepest sentiments and feelings."
"in all these hundreds oF feet of film, Eleni's music represents the blood not shed on the screen. Her constant presence..reveals something deeply spiritual beneath the lyricism.","to wound and liberate"
卡兰卓的音乐中另一个关键字是“过去”。像那些敏感的希腊艺术家一样,“过去”在卡兰卓的音乐中永远不可抹去——“过去从未消亡,它甚至不曾过去。”卡兰卓最喜爱的一个诗人George Seferis曾说:“希腊是一个持续的过程。”("Greece is a continuous process"),而具有历史和考古的双学位的卡兰卓和希腊的过去的联系如此紧密更是自然的事情——她常用历史的、过去的声音来促使听众反观当代希腊的精神世界,用她音乐中的风景、海景以及现代希腊人世界的心灵景观("the landscape, seascape and soulscape of the modern Hellenic world.")来唤起她的同胞。这种沉重的历史感、责任感几乎是卡兰卓不可回避的宿命,她再次引用Seferis的诗句:“不管我走到哪里,希腊不断的刺痛我。”("Wherever I travel, Greece keeps wounding me.")
——参考自Michael Walsh 《Greece's "Tenth Muse"》 、Steve Lake 《Covering the Waterfront》