妈宝男芬恩、接线板科尔、作死千年克劳斯,补丁大师以利亚,克夫狂魔丽贝卡,这和谐的一家无论遇到什么妖魔鬼怪刀山火海,无论谁和谁作对、谁和谁和好、最终还是会回归原点——还是互相坑生活才能如此幸福啊,不然这戏没法演了。与此同时,相爱相杀的爸爸妈妈终于在小树林里再会了,没有执手相看泪眼,没有互相问候How old are you,反而认真地讨论起了“我们如何坑孩子呢”这个千年议题。在他们身上,大家看到了始祖家族根深蒂固的传统,也明了了孩子们的深井冰到底遗传自谁。
转自汤不热用户xxbloodydesiresxx: Why are some people upset about what Kol did to Rebekah?! she totally had it coming... 1) She betrayed him after he shared his secret about the dagger that would have saved her and himself from Klaus’s tyranic ways. Smiled during his daggering and is the reason why he rotted in a box for a century. Not to mention that she tried to kill Klaus permanently barely 5 years later ^^
2) Always uses him to get what she wants: kill Matt, kidnapp and torture Shane, whenever she calls he shows up despite what she has done to him in the past.
3) didn’t mourn him after his death and ran off the sunset with his murderer.
4) prefered to stay with her latest boyfriend rather than help or spend some time with her ghost-brother.
As much as I would love for Rebekah to find happiness, she’s not all innocent and spending some time in that asylum is actually a very moderate price.