• 史良

  • 主演:
  • 地区: 中国大陆
  • 年代: 0


  • lee9618
    2008/11/25 0:50:46
  • momo
    2022/5/22 19:17:31








  • 地中海的pippo鱼
    2018/1/23 23:16:47







  • sholeh
    2022/9/6 12:02:44




  • 互掐
    2020/3/11 23:51:25
    Never The Second Moon

    He daren't to look up the sky, he daren’t to see the same one.


    Scarcity of the recognition

    He daren't to look up the sky, he daren’t to see the same one.


    Scarcity of the recognition of Israel, he came to France, the country is the synonym of liberty, equity, fraternity. As a member of the nomadic tribe to plunge into the territory of freedom., he worships french is the god's tongue and bought the french dictionary as the bible to take everywhere. He stands on the crossroad of different cultures and become a hybrid. Israelis have the tradition of nomadism, they have a great aptitude to adapt to a new environment. Nostalgia maybe never in their dictionary and the identity never exists in their ideology, they can leave when they feel the intension between their mind and the outside circumstance and they will back when they tired of strolling.

    The civil war is the catalyst for the host to make the pilgrimage to France, like the other countries' refugees, he wants to start the new life from scratch. Saving money for daily expenses and do some disgraceful jobs to maintain break even. He is a typical example of a refugee in nowadays' Europe, eager to have a sense of belonging in the new cultural environment.


    The ideal is one thing but the reality is another, Even though he tried his best to live in France but always be an outsider exclusive from the western democracy. He was the inferior citizen (even not account a citizen at all) who can't get any recognition. Then the struggling guy becomes an intruder as he participated in the Isreal army to vanquish the enemy. He met the other Israel guy who had the same job with him and became the intimate comrade. they drunk in the club chatted with the locals, on the subway they sang the anthem of Israel, But no one, had any reactive and respands, they show how isolated and be neglected by the surroundings. What they can do was joined the divinity organization and smash the new fascism to resist the indifference and prejudice. The lack of respect makes him irritant and bad tempers, he grumbled in the public and shouted to his friends. The more he feels disappointed and cheated unfairly the more he would transient to an intruder to fight back.


    Life is nude from the beginning, but our body became a political one when we grow up. To the philosophic perspective, nude is the purity and away from any social restraints. When we join the social life agenda our body is not only reflective of our biological flesh but also what France philosopher Michael Foucault's concept "bio-politics" and Italian philosopher Agamben‘s concept "bare life". The functional of society is to discipline the citizen in it and let them obedience to the creeds of it, so our life in begin as the white paper also the "bare life" to the mechanical entity

    disciplined all the social norms, all the body and mind are being surveillance and regulated until to the death. So nude is the primitive also the ultimate status for us.

    In the movie, the host is nude when he came to France, all the outfits and inner mind are transplanted by the new game. He had nothing only his looks not bad body, the masculine muscle physique is his first and only bucket of gold in there and also the reason why the couple wants to rescue him from the danger of death. What he can take advantage of is to use his stories to satisfy the guy's writing inspiration and his succulent body for the girl’s mental orgasm. He also wants to cater to the eccentric hobby of the producer because his body is the only treasure he has and make the swap with the material life. Nude is the ticket for him to have the qualification to live in the country.

    When he sang the anthem of France in the classroom with all the other candidates to take the preparation to integrate into the society, When he eligible to marry the girl and got the eternal residence right to live in the society, hardly can he feel any identity recognition and the sense of belonging. So he got insane in the music hall and asked the questions what he recited in the classroom to the public but only gained the same silence as he experienced in the bar and metro. His body can be and only can be the merchandise in the country but his soul would wait in the outdoor forever like the movie's ending.

    We will always hold an optimistic view about the globalization and immigration, we think we are the open-minded human can embrace everyone regardless of their nationality, religion, race, gender and sexuality, culture is the bridge to let us admire the diversity but also is the door to exclude us truly accept the diversity.

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