• Pearl
    2020/10/14 4:01:58
    Good love it

    5 star love it so good i cant wait unit the next similar Chinese drama to this you should definitely watch this this is not a waste of time everybody says it is but this is absolu

    5 star love it so good i cant wait unit the next similar Chinese drama to this you should definitely watch this this is not a waste of time everybody says it is but this is absolutely not a waste of time it’s so lovely and fun if he really like these types of TV shows you should go ahead and watch theTV show called the go ahead it’s also one that it’s telling of brother dating at sister it’s very good

  • 风间隼
    2016/4/19 23:13:09
    《冰河追凶》这片子的故事,要从悬疑和推理的角度去看,只能用中规中矩来形容。铺垫、高潮、反转……该有的都有,故事也算流畅,但要说有多出众,却也未必。事实上凶手是谁,老鸟们基本上到一半就能猜出来。但它可贵的地方并不在于此,而在于背后蕴藏的社会批判意识。可以说,...  (展开)
    《冰河追凶》这片子的故事,要从悬疑和推理的角度去看,只能用中规中矩来形容。铺垫、高潮、反转……该有的都有,故事也算流畅,但要说有多出众,却也未必。事实上凶手是谁,老鸟们基本上到一半就能猜出来。但它可贵的地方并不在于此,而在于背后蕴藏的社会批判意识。可以说,...  (展开)
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