My criteria are, uh, you know the same as any men's.
absolutely not religious. I suppose some college would be a plus, but not a requirement She has to speak English, i got to draw the line somewhere Physical attraction is a chemistrical thing.
absolutely not religious. I suppose some college would be a plus, but not a requirement She has to speak English, i got to draw the line somewhere Physical attraction is a chemistrical thing. weight limites 150pds skinny blonds with big jugs ?!
深夜发影评,因为看了之后很想写。。。 这部喜剧,让我想起了第一次和男生(好吧,大概就是boyfriend)聊起婚姻这个话题,我说:我也觉得婚姻是爱情的坟墓。然后他说:如果没有婚姻,那爱情是不是死无葬身之地?这个绝妙的回答,让我一下子就笑了,无言以对。 其实,现在也有很多宣传单身的文章,例如《大学里,我不需要爱情》《单身是最好的增值时期》啪啦啪啦,我也深信不疑,与其为一个人牵肠挂肚、要死要活的,不如一份赤条条来去无牵挂的洒脱,所以催生了毕业十年后才可以结婚,给自己十年的时间,来奋斗来改变来经历的坚定不移的想法。 但看了电影里,在波光粼粼的湖面上,牧师说:I believe we were put here to love and cherish one another.Sharing your life with someone you love is a blessing.Getting married was one of the best things I ever did.It's a wonderful thingas time goes be with someone who looks into your face when you've gotton old and still sees what you think you look like. 突然觉得很走心,突然觉得以前的自己,其实是不懂爱,不懂爱是什么,直到失去。 真正的爱,应该不是喜新厌旧,不是我知道了你的全部,从而对你不再感兴趣,不是为了你而放弃了自我,整天患得患失,要死要活,各种嫉妒吃醋。而是珍惜,当然,还要做自己。这样,也许就像牧师说的,当你老了,有人还会看着你的脸,仍然知道你在想什么。有这样的一个人,见证着你的生命中后半段的历程。 当然,老爷爷说的:Love doesn't exist.There is only the endocrine response.And that only lasts five years, maxinum……也很对,这就是”爱情的坟墓“的解释,但是换另一个角度看,爱情,或许发生了升华,蜕变成了亲情,保质期延长。所以,一份好的婚姻,其实是爱情的归属吧,就像落叶归根一样。 愿世间有更多的人,拥有一份亲情的爱情。情(qing)人节快乐,亲人(qin)节快乐!