但还是会怒其不争…她周围人都那么爱她:但是她戒不了drug,把妹妹给的无数无数次机会撕得稀烂,毁了妹妹和妹夫的生活还拖了戒了三年的Tom下水;原本和丈夫有很美满的婚姻生活,品行端正、面对她劣迹斑斑的过去(or现在)能一次又一次包容的丈夫也可以作为她从烂泥里爬出来的扶梯;Eve在Robin出轨自己深爱的男朋友之后能在痛苦之后managed to原谅她;有能力有威信的上司Caroline器重她提携她还多次给她改正的机会;Melody那么喜欢她敬佩她相信她也被辜负了,第一季还能在自己坍塌前出于良知解雇她不让她步上自己的老路,第二季结尾就为了保住工作和名声能够真的试图让Melody背上自己的黑名;Reese臭名昭著成这样,在最后关头都没有选择做最后一根稻草(也可能是看出来Caroline早就知道了,不直说只是从另一个角度让Caroline看清Rob已经rotten to the core.)
“ I would say the main difference is that you haven’t been told since you were 11 that every male you encounter has the potential to rape and murder you. Followed by a life of pre-sexualization, cat-calling and slut-shaming that fills you with so much guilt and fear that you assume it must be you who got it wrong. So, every time there’s an inappropriate comment or a hand on your thigh, you swallow it. Until one day the world says, ‘Hey, acutally, maybe all that crap isn’t your fault,’ and the relief is so great that shit just pours out of you like a tsunami. And, yes, like most tsunamis innocent people drown. But, I am sorry that you’ve had to deal with women you didn’t deem attractive enough, grabbing your ass. I appreciate the life has its challenges. ”(有删改)
以上也是最基本的:Eve头脑清醒处事也果决,观念开放到我只能用fictional来形容,但依旧会被妈妈的封建言论伤得体无完肤(“You can either be a wife or a mistress”这句话我记得特别清楚)。她去参加脱单party那一段可以说是把原本和现实隐隐接轨的这部剧稳稳地落在了地上,思想再进步也不可避免地会被爱的人封建守旧的观念刺到吵出一地鸡毛。