“…so to suddenly read this version of Ned Kelly through Peter Carey opened up a whole new way of seeing him. I was not interested in a biopic,” he said, but rather, “shaking up the notion of myth-making. Because it was fictitious in a way, it allowed for a little more boldness.”
Peter Carey塑造了穿着裙子的凯利帮以颠覆传统的形象反抗英国殖民者,Justin Kurzel又给他们添加了一些酷儿凝视和同性元素。是的,至少从我个人的角度来看,这是一部相当基情四射的电影。影片中饰演警察的查理湖南、尼古拉斯霍尔特以及饰演本片的核心主角的乔治麦凯都有全裸出镜,即使作为一个腐女我都感到震惊,让人遗憾的是罗素克劳没有脱掉衣服加入前三人的阵营。