• Bettyyang
    2008/3/12 18:20:43
      钢琴师安德鲁斯,餐馆犹太老板扎布,德国人汉斯都爱上了美丽女孩伊罗达。伊罗达生日这天正巧也是汉斯的生日,钢琴师安德鲁斯弹奏了自己为她作的曲子“Gloomy Su
      钢琴师安德鲁斯,餐馆犹太老板扎布,德国人汉斯都爱上了美丽女孩伊罗达。伊罗达生日这天正巧也是汉斯的生日,钢琴师安德鲁斯弹奏了自己为她作的曲子“Gloomy Sunday”,扎布送给她一件美丽的头饰(她一直戴着),汉斯用自己的莱卡相机为她拍了张美丽的照片……由于伊罗达选择了安德鲁斯,汉斯绝望的投河却被扎步救起。扎布帮汉斯重新鼓起生的勇气,汉斯准备回德国开世界最大的进出口贸易公司……伊罗达爱安德鲁斯,也爱扎布,三人愉快的相处。安德鲁斯由于“Gloomy Sunday”而出名,精明的扎布给他做经纪人,为安德鲁斯在唱片商处争取到最大的利益。而这首曲子之所以出名,还有个很重要的原因,很多听过它的人都自杀了……安德鲁斯为此痛苦的自责,伊罗达和扎布安慰他:这首曲子让他们的死更美丽……
      二战开始了,德国人汉斯没有做公司,却做了党卫军上校,汉斯来到扎布的餐馆,强迫安德鲁斯弹奏“gloomy sunday”安德鲁斯不肯,和他对峙着。伊罗达为了挽救安德鲁斯,唱出gloomy sunday的歌词,安德鲁斯终于弹完了曲子,却用汉斯的枪结束了自己。在德国军队“清洗”匈牙利的犹太人时,汉斯庇护着扎布,同时通过扎布和犹太人做生意,1000美元买一条性命,他要被救的犹太人记住自己的恩德。而德军失败要撤离匈牙利时,却带走了扎布,伊罗达求汉斯救扎布,不惜用自己的身体交换。汉斯却在答应了伊罗达后,眼睁睁看着曾救过自己性命的扎布被赶上集中营列车……伊罗达看到扎布留在钢琴里的信和毒药,信上说:我终于明白安德鲁斯创作gloomy sunday的心情……我们为了尊严而活……伊罗达生下了她和安德鲁斯或者扎布的儿子。
      汉斯在他80岁生日之际重游扎布餐馆,此时他已经成了世界最大进出口贸易公司的拥有者——用二战时犹太人在他手里买命的钱起家……他吃着美味的匈牙利肉卷,听着那首名曲gloomy sunday,看到了伊罗达的照片,突然仿佛受了雷击一般倒地而死。
  • 青昼
    2021/7/8 0:05:09






  • 水苏
    2008/11/15 3:44:21
    pro-culture relativism
    when you come across the term “a native American”, I just wonder, what kind of image will you form in your mind? Feather headdresses, exposed chest, a spear in his hand. And what kind of cognition wil
    when you come across the term “a native American”, I just wonder, what kind of image will you form in your mind? Feather headdresses, exposed chest, a spear in his hand. And what kind of cognition will you have? cruel, bloody, primitive, animal, beast.
    Well, I have to admit that I used to depict American Indians in that way. But I have overcome these biases and corrected my opinion about the aboriginals and the white since I watched the film dance with wolves.

    Dances with wolves, directed and starred by Kevin Costner, is a 1990 epic film which is set in US civil war in the mid-19 century. A United States Lieutenant John Dunbar travels to the American Frontier to find a military post. There he is supposed to fight against the Indians whereas he tries to make friends with them because of loneliness and tiredness of battle. They visit each other once in a while and their communication is quite difficult because of language barrier. Later, with the help of a white woman who is taken by the Sioux tribe as a young orphan, Dunbar establishes a rapport with the tribe’s medicine man called kicking bird. As he stays with these Indians, he finds himself drawn to the lifestyle and customs of the tribe. So he helps them locate a migrating herd of buffalo and defends the settlement against a Pawnee raiding party, which eventually makes him a hero and accepted as a full member of the tribe with a new name, dance with wolves. Peaceful life ends when the white men appear on the prairie. Dunbar is arrested by the reinforcing army troops as a deserter and later rescued by warriors from the tribe. At the end of the story, Dunbar decides to leave the tribe with his wife, in order to protect the rest and find a resolution to the white-Indian conflict.

    The story itself is a touching one, but it’s not the most impressive part of the film to me. It is the depiction of the tribe, the representation of the aboriginal culture and the comparison between the white men’ behavior and the Indians’ one that leave a deep impression on me. Viewing from the director’s perspective, the Indian tribe was not as primitive as we thought, and the Native Americans were not as cruel and stupid as we learned from textbooks. They had their own culture, unique but not that inferior. They had their own ethic, exotic but harmless. Just as dance with wolves himself said in the film: “I have never known people so eager to laugh, so devoted to family, so dedicated to each other. And the only word came to mind was harmony.” Ironically, whenever and wherever the acknowledged civilized and educated white men appear, there are always wars, battles, lies and conflicts, either at the beginning of the film or the end of the story. The director’s brave and honest presentation of the racial conflict backs us to question: whether different cultures can be equally valuable? Even if not, is it humanitarian to slaughter in the name of progress?

    It entertains. It educates. It provokes and persuades, moves and motivates. That’s the attraction of Dance with wolves.
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