孙女Rhoda说:Why don't you face facts, grandma? 老太太说:Oh, Rhoda, when you're 17 and the world's beautiful...facing facts is just as slick fun as dancing or going to parties. But when you're 70, well, you don't care about dancing and you don't think about parties anymore. And about the only fun you have left is pretending that there ain't any facts to face. So would you mind if I just kind of went on pretending? 她的孙女也抱歉地哭了。。。
自己现在越来越羡慕那种老两口过了一辈子、互相搀扶着一起走的画面~~ 即使有些是在不停的斗嘴也很可爱~~ New York, I love you里面 最后那对老夫妇就斗嘴斗的可爱死了~~ 想起有次在食堂里吃饭 对面一对老夫妇 那老头子就闹小孩脾气似的 嘟嘟囔囔个没完 那老太太时而哄他 时而又还两句嘴 看得我心里温暖死了。。。直到他们离去 我还注视着他们的背影看了半天。。。