• 牛虻

  • 主演:
  • 地区: 中国大陆、乌克兰
  • 年代: 0


  • 不要关注我刷屏
    2019/5/27 10:59:49


    p.s 不一定全是同款,重复出现的单品我就不反复提及啦(比如包



    p.s 不一定全是同款,重复出现的单品我就不反复提及啦(比如包

    look 1.


  • 缘叶
    2022/5/3 19:40:28

  • 木云
    2020/11/22 13:23:00
    这篇影评可能有剧透 《芝加哥七君子审判》是2020年好莱坞第一编剧艾伦·索金自编、自导的一部实力佳作。故事讲述了1969年美国政府对七位民权运动人士的政治审判。艾伦·索金在剪辑、台词以及人物刻画上,都展现出了超凡脱俗的实力,令人拍案叫绝。 故事的背景设定在1969年,当时,美国总统尼克松与.
    这篇影评可能有剧透 《芝加哥七君子审判》是2020年好莱坞第一编剧艾伦·索金自编、自导的一部实力佳作。故事讲述了1969年美国政府对七位民权运动人士的政治审判。艾伦·索金在剪辑、台词以及人物刻画上,都展现出了超凡脱俗的实力,令人拍案叫绝。 故事的背景设定在1969年,当时,美国总统尼克松与...  (展开)
  • Joebacktolife
    2022/8/17 13:00:57
    S02E03: "The lie of the sell-side is your colleagues aren't your competitors." -- Jesse Bloom

    Sometimes your client could be your best sensei and Harper is lucky to have one.

    First Yasmin. Bad, too bad. She is the one fell for the lie

    Sometimes your client could be your best sensei and Harper is lucky to have one.

    First Yasmin. Bad, too bad. She is the one fell for the lie and handed over the rich Italian client to Kenny without getting anything in return and by chance elevated the newbie (who is an ambitious bitch by appearance, god forbids me). I actually quite like Yasmin. The girl is from money, kind in nature and she knows how to deal with people with money, especially the one with a familly office. PWM is a perfect place to play her strength: her multi-lingual ability, her well-connected famiity with ties in Middle East and Europe (EMEA) and it does not require strong technicalities. She is troubled by her weakness in financial know-how and that is why she needs Kenny in the first place. But does Kenny really know much about crypto currencies and its investment rationale (I mean who can? Is it a commoidity? Is it a security? The SEC is still uncertain about its nature and the roller-coaster movement of its price says much about it). By taking Kenny to the meeting she made the biggest mistake a seasoned sales person would never make: open your client book to your competition, hoping they would deliver something in return but only to find out it is a wish in vein. I really wish she can learn something from Celeste and am happy to see her grow.

    Second Harper. Good, very good. One thing about Harper I admire the most is her ability to see through bullshits and make a choice best for her at the moment. In Season One the bullshit is "women help women and we the woman should push out the man and take control of the bank." In this episode the bullshit is the pep-talk given by Eric in the beginning and the worthless fountain pen to buy her loyalty and deference.

    In episode 2, Harper landed Jesse by proving her essentiality in the block trade and clinched Jesse as her first VIP client. In this episode, she needs to learn how to keep him and grow the client into her KPI. To achieve this, she needs to evolve from a trade executor to a trusted finnacial advisor. The mission is clear: should Jesse sell the Rican stocks to Felim to make a quick money or keep it to play the long game at the cost of the bank?

    Kept in dark by Eric, Harper exhibited her capabilities to collect information and piece together the nips and sips to figure out the chess board. She shamelessly eavesdropped the conversation between the IBD associate and Rican and found out the scheme behind the block trade. She befriended Anna to understand what the social impact fund wants and smoothed the way for the deal between Jesse and Anna; she even nosed into the government’s predisposition on the budget diagnosis service with the input from the Pierpoint alumnus/junior cabenet member. With that, a bold investment advice was formed and a deal maker was born. Oh, did I mention how smart was the move to get back to London before the market was open and seal the deal for Jesse and leave Eric in awe? She is an assassin.

    In light of all the merits, I up the rating of season 2 to 4.5 with the option to top it up. HBO is really catching up and this is how high finance should look like. Kudos to Mickey Down and Konrad Kay.


  • bell7
    2009/1/22 21:01:54
  • 雪里蕻
    2018/11/30 13:23:53
    阿米尔·汗一直是印度电影票房和口碑的保证。但是,他的新片最近在印度上映后却遭遇了口碑、票房的双双失利。 【阿·米尔汗主演《摔跤吧!爸爸》】 这部电影在权威的影评网站IMDB上,评分只有3.5分。及格分是6分,这部电影连及格都没达到。 【《印度暴徒》的IMDB评分只有3.5分...  (展
    阿米尔·汗一直是印度电影票房和口碑的保证。但是,他的新片最近在印度上映后却遭遇了口碑、票房的双双失利。 【阿·米尔汗主演《摔跤吧!爸爸》】 这部电影在权威的影评网站IMDB上,评分只有3.5分。及格分是6分,这部电影连及格都没达到。 【《印度暴徒》的IMDB评分只有3.5分...  (展开)
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