2022/7/16 23:00:57
    全片能看到很多作品的影子,从远洋、沙滩、海岛的场景上,我们看到《海洋奇缘》;从剧情和人物的设置上,能看到《加勒比海盗》;从怪兽的造型上,大螃蟹怪甚至很像爱死机第三季《糟糕之旅》中螃蟹怪的萌化版。更别说红焰魔的头部去掉独角换成黑色就是活脱脱的大号无牙仔(《驯...  (展开)
    全片能看到很多作品的影子,从远洋、沙滩、海岛的场景上,我们看到《海洋奇缘》;从剧情和人物的设置上,能看到《加勒比海盗》;从怪兽的造型上,大螃蟹怪甚至很像爱死机第三季《糟糕之旅》中螃蟹怪的萌化版。更别说红焰魔的头部去掉独角换成黑色就是活脱脱的大号无牙仔(《驯...  (展开)
  • Ting
    2022/9/4 23:40:11
    《红灯停 绿灯行》:人不是非善即恶的,人是极其复杂矛盾的
  • 叶小陌
    2020/2/15 14:42:03



  • Attraversiamo
    2022/1/2 19:19:35
    One Last Dive

    Leaping off from 10 meters high above the ground,flying through the mid-air for 3 seconds straight,only to expect the unescapable final intervention by gravity, the

    Leaping off from 10 meters high above the ground,flying through the mid-air for 3 seconds straight,only to expect the unescapable final intervention by gravity, the gravity of earth, the gravity of this routine, the gravity of this routine life.Passion worn out day by day into a mechanical formality to get through.Hauling sized-up muffin-top up the ladder to the same spot.Colder feet on the edge each round ahead.No more athletic medal-worthy exellence to awe the dwindling crowd in the stand.Holding back the unnecessary jump and expecting less to be on the safe side emotionally.But what if a klutzy jump without any dazzling twists at an age way past the career peak is all it takes to end the cycle?What if that one last blind dive doesn't hit through the chilly water, rather send you right into a warm and firm embrace from someone passing by your pool?A jump unworthy of medals.A catch worthy of life.

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