ep.2 0. David Chang: "yeah, my world is binary." 1. -When you have a row of places with treet vendors here making food, what are some taletell signs where u'd obviously wanna
ep.2 0. David Chang: "yeah, my world is binary." 1. -When you have a row of places with treet vendors here making food, what are some taletell signs where u'd obviously wanna go to try? -Go to the place where you don't know some of the words on the menue. -...
Probably the best food documentary I’ve ever watched. Great balance between food and culture. The series has talked about the authenticity, inclusion, racism history, politic
Probably the best food documentary I’ve ever watched. Great balance between food and culture. The series has talked about the authenticity, inclusion, racism history, political identity, and personal intimate relationships with food. Food closely reveals o...
(标题苦手) 参考网址:[The Restaurants of Netflix's Ugly Delicious] Cau Ba Quan 用Google map这样打进去找这个地方就行。胡志明第一区靠河边的一个小独栋。照着Google map上别人拍的外观照找,挺好找的。 2019-04-28~2019-05-05 去了越南,之前没想到这一茬的
(标题苦手) 参考网址:[The Restaurants of Netflix's Ugly Delicious] Cau Ba Quan 用Google map这样打进去找这个地方就行。胡志明第一区靠河边的一个小独栋。照着Google map上别人拍的外观照找,挺好找的。 2019-04-28~2019-05-05 去了越南,之前没想到这一茬的,最后一个...
给不出打分。。我以为这是一个美食纪录片,实际上它意在探讨美食背后的美国文化。 才看了第一集,我很讨厌????那种刻意地being politically right,而事实上,他们加深了各种刻板印象by not talking about it openly..当你讲????文化的时候,又要把各个族裔单拎出来讲...
给不出打分。。我以为这是一个美食纪录片,实际上它意在探讨美食背后的美国文化。 才看了第一集,我很讨厌????那种刻意地being politically right,而事实上,他们加深了各种刻板印象by not talking about it openly..当你讲????文化的时候,又要把各个族裔单拎出来讲...
在快节奏的今天,我们把对于做食物的美好幻想都用去看别人做食物了,这就孕育出了一系列多种多样的美食节目,从大名鼎鼎的Parts Unknown,到 Chef’s table 和 The Great British Bake Off。而Ugly Delicious不是一个美食
在快节奏的今天,我们把对于做食物的美好幻想都用去看别人做食物了,这就孕育出了一系列多种多样的美食节目,从大名鼎鼎的Parts Unknown,到 Chef’s table 和 The Great British Bake Off。而Ugly Delicious不是一个美食节目,它是一个丑食节目。正像人可以很丑很温柔一样,食...