• Alexander
    2022/11/5 23:25:19



  • 科学少年猫煮锡
    2011/2/2 16:24:43
    压成先动 雅称西安东 鸦城仙冬……

    压成先动 雅称西安东 鸦城仙冬……

  • windy天意晚晴
    2022/9/29 11:39:44



  • xioutu
    2023/1/6 1:59:17
    这篇影评可能有剧透 为什么要有那么无脑的情节出现。真搞不懂,就像一颗老鼠屎。为什么要有那么无脑的情节出现。真搞不懂,就像一颗老鼠屎。为什么要有那么无脑的情节出现。真搞不懂,就像一颗老鼠屎。为什么要有那么无脑的情节出现。真搞不懂,就像一颗老鼠屎。为什么要有那么无脑的情节出现。真...
    这篇影评可能有剧透 为什么要有那么无脑的情节出现。真搞不懂,就像一颗老鼠屎。为什么要有那么无脑的情节出现。真搞不懂,就像一颗老鼠屎。为什么要有那么无脑的情节出现。真搞不懂,就像一颗老鼠屎。为什么要有那么无脑的情节出现。真搞不懂,就像一颗老鼠屎。为什么要有那么无脑的情节出现。真...  (展开)
  • 雨紫有晴
    2021/10/6 13:27:54
    周末与10岁的女儿一起看了电影《二哥来了怎么办》,影片是女儿选的。 剧情一开始,杨听风和杨听雨打得不亦乐乎,女儿跟着笑得嘻嘻哈哈,乐在其中。 我却有些不大满意,感觉情节太傻瓜。 女儿抱歉地安慰我说,妈妈,下次你来选影片,也许后面才好看呢。 没想到,影片的深意在后...  (展开)
    周末与10岁的女儿一起看了电影《二哥来了怎么办》,影片是女儿选的。 剧情一开始,杨听风和杨听雨打得不亦乐乎,女儿跟着笑得嘻嘻哈哈,乐在其中。 我却有些不大满意,感觉情节太傻瓜。 女儿抱歉地安慰我说,妈妈,下次你来选影片,也许后面才好看呢。 没想到,影片的深意在后...  (展开)
  • 评欣而论
    2020/8/18 18:41:38
    这篇影评可能有剧透 2020年,动作科幻恐怖电影《深海狂鲨3 | Deep Blue Sea 3》 说实话,这个海报有点假了。。 我好像看过第一部,感觉还不错,就是错过了第二部了~ 第三部看起来就,真的挺水的说~ 美国人对于鲨鱼的狂热还是非常高的,就这高智商的鲨鱼和其他的鲨鱼电影比起来就正常
    这篇影评可能有剧透 2020年,动作科幻恐怖电影《深海狂鲨3 | Deep Blue Sea 3》 说实话,这个海报有点假了。。 我好像看过第一部,感觉还不错,就是错过了第二部了~ 第三部看起来就,真的挺水的说~ 美国人对于鲨鱼的狂热还是非常高的,就这高智商的鲨鱼和其他的鲨鱼电影比起来就正常多了,什么鲨卷...  (展开)
  • 是灰小猫啊
    2008/9/11 18:38:28

    "Dear Edward,
    I've gone back and forth the last few days, trying to decide whether or not I should even write this.
    In the end, I realized I would regre

    "Dear Edward,
    I've gone back and forth the last few days, trying to decide whether or not I should even write this.
    In the end, I realized I would regret it if I didn't, so here goes.

    I know the last time we saw each other, we weren't exactly hitting the sweetest notes.
    It certainly wasn't the way I wanted the trip to end.
    I suppose I'm responsible, and for that I'm sorry.
    But in all honesty, if I had the chance, I'd do it again.

    Virginia said I left a stranger and came back a husband. I owe that to you.
    There's no way I can repay you for all you've done for me,
    so rather than try, I'm just goingn to ask you to do something else for me.
    Find the joy in your life.

    You once said you're not everyone.
    Well, that's true.
    You're certainly not everyone.
    But, everyone is everyone.

    My parents always said,
    'Our lives are streams, flowing into the same river,
    towards whatever heaven lies in the mist beyond the falls.'

    Find the joy in your life, Edward.
    My dear friend,
    close your eyes and let the waters take you home..."


    "Good afternoon. My name is Edward Cole.
    I don't know what most people say at these occasions, because...in all honesty, I...I've tried to avoid them.
    The simplest thing is, I loved him and I miss him.

    Carter and I saw the world together, which is amazing, when you think that only three months ago, we were complete strangers.
    I hope that it doesn't sound selfish of me, but the last months of his life, were the best months of mine.
    He saved my life. And he knew it before I did.

    I'm deeply pround that this man, found it worth his while, to know me.
    In the end, I think it's safe to say that we brought some joy to one another's lives.
    So, one day, when I go to some final resting place, if I happen to wake up next to a certain wall with a gate, I hope that Carter's there, to vouch for me, and show me the ropes on the other side."


    "Edward Perriman Cole died in May.
    It was a sunday, in the afternoon, and there wasn't a cloud in the sky.
    He was 81 years old.

    Even now, I can't claim to understand the measure of a life.
    But I can tell you this, I know that when he died, his eyes were closed, and his heart was open.
    And I'm pretty sure he was happy with his final resting place, because he was buried on the mountain, and that was against the law."
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