• 石油工人
    2016/3/31 20:04:47



  • 切换
    2022/2/17 22:07:17



  • 元小谷
    2021/4/12 22:07:32



  • 冲田总悟
    2017/4/11 16:17:14
        韩国黑帮酒店门口、医院随意开枪杀人掳人甚至在大学门口背后一大帮警察经过的时候一大帮人马车后备箱拿枪打算杀人警察都看不见!!!女主也一样,进医院手里拿着枪周围的人都好淡定也没人拦住 还有第一次看到这么讨厌的追车戏,尼玛居然不是坏人追你 ,是女主为了赶时间 !!! 搞得路人警车那么倒霉 ,撞车的撞车翻车的翻车。一部处处都是槽点的影片!!!
        韩国黑帮酒店门口、医院随意开枪杀人掳人甚至在大学门口背后一大帮警察经过的时候一大帮人马车后备箱拿枪打算杀人警察都看不见!!!女主也一样,进医院手里拿着枪周围的人都好淡定也没人拦住 还有第一次看到这么讨厌的追车戏,尼玛居然不是坏人追你 ,是女主为了赶时间 !!! 搞得路人警车那么倒霉 ,撞车的撞车翻车的翻车。
       还有影片最后,露西不亲自处理了反派 是为了那一炮轰带你飞带你环游世界看到那头猩猩吗???
  • 8472263
  • Lidan.HK
    2017/2/17 23:56:41
    John Wick讲述自己的故事

    剧透警告!好像这剧根本不用怕剧透!我叫John Wick,我老婆死了,我的狗上集死了,这集又养了条新的,我是想退休的杀手,小刀会里人人都认识我。我是十六国混血,我能说英语俄语西班牙语意大利语,还会美国手语,我比年轻的时候胖了点,胡子多了点,但我特别帅特别酷特别牛逼。我杀了一百个人抢回了我的车,车要到2030年才能修好。黑二代用生死劫让我出山杀他亲妹,我不干,他把我家炸翻了,我和狗都在家里但却

    剧透警告!好像这剧根本不用怕剧透!我叫John Wick,我老婆死了,我的狗上集死了,这集又养了条新的,我是想退休的杀手,小刀会里人人都认识我。我是十六国混血,我能说英语俄语西班牙语意大利语,还会美国手语,我比年轻的时候胖了点,胡子多了点,但我特别帅特别酷特别牛逼。我杀了一百个人抢回了我的车,车要到2030年才能修好。黑二代用生死劫让我出山杀他亲妹,我不干,他把我家炸翻了,我和狗都在家里但却没有事。我只能答应,我用金币定制了西装,买了枪,买了超雕的防弹衬衣,我去罗马杀了一千个人完成了任务。黑二代用700万刀悬赏我人头,出个门被一万个人追杀,当然都被我杀了。我找了纽约丐帮帮主也是黑客帝国里的那个黑人帮忙,他给了我一只枪和七颗子弹,我杀了十万个人后把黑二代逼进小刀会总部,老大说总部禁止打斗,我管那些呢,一枪把黑二代崩了。黑二代所在的小刀会分会悬赏了1400万刀要我死,一个小时后我就不是小刀会成员了,我管这些呢,下一集我会加入丐帮杀小刀会里的一百万人,谢谢收看!



  • 自怜雀斑
    2015/8/9 14:30:54

    第一次在微博看到《滚蛋吧,肿瘤君》发布会的演员公布,我转发说:“熊顿如果知道梁医生是吴彦祖不知道该有多高兴啊。”很多人带着泪目的表情转发我的评论。我知道,大家想她了。2012年2月25日,我的偶像王菲在熊顿的微博里祝她好梦,这是我第一次知道熊顿。我与熊顿相遇,是在天涯八卦论坛。这里有各色各样的人,普通人。有医生 有老师 有学生 有父亲母亲 有挚友亲朋,有在苦难中与病魔抗争的人,也有已无治愈

    第一次在微博看到《滚蛋吧,肿瘤君》发布会的演员公布,我转发说:“熊顿如果知道梁医生是吴彦祖不知道该有多高兴啊。”很多人带着泪目的表情转发我的评论。我知道,大家想她了。2012年2月25日,我的偶像王菲在熊顿的微博里祝她好梦,这是我第一次知道熊顿。我与熊顿相遇,是在天涯八卦论坛。这里有各色各样的人,普通人。有医生 有老师 有学生 有父亲母亲 有挚友亲朋,有在苦难中与病魔抗争的人,也有已无治愈希望选择默默等待死亡的人,当时的我们彼此不曾知晓对方的姓名,但却又好似一家人,病友们彼此交流病情,大家相互鼓励,不知道在那一年的那个帖子里大家说了多少句的“加油”,有多少人从中获得了勇气,有多少人在此付出了关心,又有多少人在网络的另一边为素未谋面的人心疼落泪。每个人都相互爱着,那是我见过的最好的天涯论坛。电影选角刚曝光的时候,由白百合出演熊顿,当时白百合受到的质疑排山倒海,显然大家都对熊顿太喜爱了。观影后,我只想说,熊顿遇见白百合很幸运,白百合遇上熊顿,更幸运。虽然依旧是白百合最擅长的说学逗唱贫,但在《肿瘤君》里,她奉献了最好的小妞角色。她演绎得恰到好处,刚刚好的夸张,刚刚好的矫情,刚刚好的笑容,刚刚好的眼泪。她的笑容含着些许眼泪说:“我吃了那个药就想吐,吃了止吐的药又便秘,吃了治便秘的药又头疼,你说我还要不要吃治头疼的药啊?”白百合的至情至性撑起了整部电影。电影把更多的笔墨放在了亲情与友情上面。我是最见不得白发人送黑发人这样的场景,所以当饰演熊顿父母的两位老演员坐在医生面前红着眼眶手足无措的样子,我一下就湿了眼眶。熊顿与母亲相拥在病床上做最后一次告别。“你想不想知道我银行卡的密码?”“我不想知道。”“你生日呗。”这时候我扭头看了看我旁边的妈妈,她眼睛亮亮的。电影并未执着于在死亡痛苦上煽情,反而是那些艰难苦难中彼此相爱的人们最煽情。电影中对熊顿的好闺蜜艾米仅仅只进行了简单的表现,似乎是刻意为了喜剧以及戏剧效果,赋予了艾米于演员张子萱本身的一些特质。“你是生活中的小三,工作上的奴隶。”这句台词一出,全场哄然大笑。效果有了。可她也就不是艾米了。熊顿走了,艾米在微博上只有五个字:“我失去她了。”而熊顿的最后一条微博也是留给了艾米:“艾米,外面冷,你多穿点衣服。”她们之间真的就像电影中说的:我可以失恋十次,但却不可以失去你一次。熊顿这一生有爱她的父母,爱她的朋友,但最遗憾的事还是,即使她那么好,却依然没有一个爱她的人好好疼她一回。似乎是为了弥补她的缺憾,电影选择了吴彦祖饰演梁医生,她一定开心极了。风吹起白大褂的边角都风度翩翩,吴彦祖用红花的资质充当了一回绿叶。抢救时他颤抖的双手,他恐惧得抽烟呕吐,熊顿弥留之际他陪她说话,他看着她笑着流泪,他说:“你不是我,你不会明白你对我的意义”时哽咽克制的语气……不管现实生活中究竟是怎样的,但这样的演绎也算是让人有了一丝安慰,至少在电影里,在熊顿最后的时光里,似乎是有那么一段感情得到了真挚的回应。2012年末熊顿去世,有人在论坛里发了一句:她走了。我知道那时有很多很多人在天南地北为这个傻姑娘落泪,不是矫情不是做作,只是因为我们曾真心得并肩作战过。电影虽然一直在传播正能量,可我真的是太悲观了。我一直在想无论再怎么乐观再怎么努力,死亡与苦难却始终无法被改变,坏事就是坏事,并不会因为你拥有一个好心态就可以变成好事情。太绝望了。电影选择了用这么轻松温暖的方式讲述这一段绝望的挣扎,每一次大笑都夹杂着眼泪。电影所带给我的那份就算在有限的时间里也要燥起来的心情,我一定会小心地保存。我已经忘了2012年的我在那个帖子里对熊顿说了什么,她又是否回复了我什么。当时的那份心情也随着我生活中的柴米油盐渐渐淡化,时隔几年之后,借着这部电影的上映,我想作为她陌生的朋友与她进行最后一次真挚的道别。你可真好,你先挂了,有资格指点江山了,永远三十岁了,永远无忧无虑了,我们却要一点一点老去了。今生与你作别,感谢你用生命带给我们这个笑过哭过暖过的故事。熊顿君。

  • 杜若
    2019/9/21 20:58:10
    没有剧透,只会发现你看了个假剧 负责开扒娜扎新剧的穿搭


    大家好,我又为人民看烂片了,这部剧剧情我改的更用心一些,也为了截图我都是正常速度看的,没有倍速,看了以后我发现本剧是个上半身神剧,啥叫啥半身神剧,继续往下看本文啊。 下面正式进入一本正经胡说八道。


    大家好,我又为人民看烂片了,这部剧剧情我改的更用心一些,也为了截图我都是正常速度看的,没有倍速,看了以后我发现本剧是个上半身神剧,啥叫啥半身神剧,继续往下看本文啊。 下面正式进入一本正经胡说八道。



  • mumudancing
    2021/5/15 22:24:02
    这篇影评可能有剧透 《无罪谋杀》让我想起几年前的一部电影《朗读者》。尽管前者披着犯罪片的外衣,后者让人记住的是它惊世骇俗的绝世爱恋,但两部电影的视角是相通的——在现代世界如何对待二战战犯,尤其当那个人与你有亲密的社会关系时,你将站在社会公义的角度还是个人情感的角度,天平将倾向...
    这篇影评可能有剧透 《无罪谋杀》让我想起几年前的一部电影《朗读者》。尽管前者披着犯罪片的外衣,后者让人记住的是它惊世骇俗的绝世爱恋,但两部电影的视角是相通的——在现代世界如何对待二战战犯,尤其当那个人与你有亲密的社会关系时,你将站在社会公义的角度还是个人情感的角度,天平将倾向...  (展开)
  • Joan
    2018/11/21 16:01:20
    Who am I?斯皮尔伯格的人生轨迹


    And when the film was over, I wanted to not be a director anymore because the bar was too high.

    It was the first time, seeing a movie, I realized that there are th


    And when the film was over, I wanted to not be a director anymore because the bar was too high.

    It was the first time, seeing a movie, I realized that there are themes that aren't narrative story themes. There are themes that are character themes, that are personal themes. That David Lean created a portraiture, surrounded the portrait with a mural of scope and epic action, but at the heart and core of "Lawrence of Arabia" is "Who am I"?

    I started making movies when I was a young kid, but I remember the time I almost gave up my dream of being a movie director. I must have been 16.


    The more I'm feeling confident and secure about something, the less I'm gonna put out. The more I'm feeling, "Uh-oh, this could be a major problem in getting the story told," I'm gonna work overtime to meet the challenge and get the job done. All right, that's done. I don't know if it's worth it.

    Spielberg:And so, I hate the feeling of being nervous, but I need to feel in this moment I'm really not sure what I'm doing. And when that verges on panic, I get great ideas. The more I feel backed into a corner, the more rewarding it becomes when I figure my way out of the corner.

    Just before I went off to make "Jaws," I got to meet Henry Hathaway. He was kind of a tough-guy director, and he said, "There's gonna be moments where you're gonna get to the set and you're not gonna know what the hell you're doing. It happens to all of us. You've gotta guard that secret with your life. Let no one see when you're unsure of yourself. Hide that from everybody, or you'll lose the respect of everyone."


    I knew that it's gonna take three or four weeks to rebuild the shark, and so we'd have to make up something else that didn't exactly show the shark but gave the sense the shark was near.

    The barrels were a godsend, because I didn't need to show the shark as long as those barrels were around. What you don't see is generally scarier than what you do see, and the script was filled with "shark." Shark here, shark there, shark everywhere. The movie doesn't have very much shark in it.

    John Williams:If the shark had been available visually, it might have changed the whole psychology of the experience.


    I didn't have a lot of high esteem for myself, you know, growing up. I just was a lonely guy.

    The camera was my pen. I wrote my stories through the lens. And when I was able to say "action" and "cut," I wrested control of my life.

    But I didn't know anything about whether I was gonna have a career or where this was gonna go. I just knew that it filled up the time and it gave me a tremendous amount of satisfaction. And the second I finished a movie, I wanted to start a new one because I felt good about myself when I was making a film. But when I had too much time to think, all those scary whispers would start-- start up. It was not fun to be me in between ideas or projects.


    "If you sign with us, I will support you as strongly in failure as I will in success."


    Steven Bochco:Steven had a gear in his brain that automatically translated words into pictures almost without it being a conscious process for him. There was a unique visual voice there that you had to not only pay attention to, but you had to give somewhat of a free rein to.

    Edelstein:Right off the bat, it was clear that no one moved the camera like Steven Spielberg. Other directors had a fantastic sense of space. Orson Welles, you name it, people who understood composition. But the way that Spielberg's camera moved through a shot and then ended up somewhere that completely shifted or intensified the emotion of the scene, that was just a natural gift he had. Who knows where that came from. Who-- but it was his own technique.没人象斯皮尔伯格一样移动摄像机。其他导演有很出色的空间感。随便说一个Orson Welles非常理解构图。但是斯皮尔伯格在一个镜头中对摄像机的移动,以及在某一处停下来,完全改变或强化了场景的情感,那是他的天分。

    George Eckstein called me and said, "Network's really upset that the truck didn't blow up, so they're ordering us to go back to that cliff and blow the truck up." And I said, "I'm not gonna do it." The death of the truck is so agonizing. I said, "I made that truck die slowly." The oil, like blood, dripping off the steering wheel. The wheel slowly rolling to a stop. The fan still going, but the truck's dying. I mean, it's the death of the truck. That's what the audience wants to see. This criminal element paying-- you know, paying the price for what it did to this man. I wouldn't do it. I wouldn't blow up the truck.


    Bochco:For Steven, the little screen was an interesting canvas, and obviously he painted on it very well, but he knew that this screen simply wasn't a large enough canvas.

    Spielberg:For me, directing is camerawork, and so I'm very on the front line of that. I've gotta set up the shot, I've gotta block the actors, choreograph the movement of the scene, bring the camera into the choreography, figure out when the camera stops, how it moves, how far it moves, what the composition is, so I've always got my eye on the lens, and that's what I do. I even pick the lens I want.对我来说,导演就是摄像技术,因此我总是在摄像的前线。我需要设定镜头,隔离演员的因素,为镜头设计动作,将镜头带入到动作中,确定摄像机什么时候停止,怎样移动,移动多远,构图是什么样的,因此我的眼睛总是关注在镜头上,那就是我所做的。我甚至会自己挑选想要的镜头。

    Scorsese:His strength is really the ability to be able to tell a story in pictures instinctively. I sometimes watch his pictures on TV without the sound just to see the pictures.

    Edelstein:Pauline Kael, one of the most influential film critics of all time, wrote in "The New Yorker" that Steven Spielberg had made one of the most phenomenal debuts in the history of film. She compared him to Howard Hawks in terms of how natural his feel for the medium was. What Kael saw in Spielberg was someone with a real movie sense, but she also said she wasn't necessarily sure there was great depth to go with it. She didn't see a sign of an emerging film artist like Martin Scorsese. What she saw instead was the birth of a new generation Hollywood hand.


    Spielberg:We were very, very fortunate to be part of that time. The culture was converging. It was filmmakers, it was artists, musicians, performers. It was an incredible, fertile time.


    I don't search for films consciously that have a spiritual core. There's a spiritual part of myself that happens to bleed over into the work, and so I subconsciously, which is the only choice that's important, will find things that inherently have something of a belief system that's beyond our understanding, that's a little bit out there.


    Coyote:For many years I wondered about the universal appeal of this movie, and one day, it hit me. There are no two humans on Earth that are father apart than those humans and that alien creature. And if Elliott, and the mother, and the little girl, and the scientist, could all love and empathize and make a rapprochement and a rapport with this creature, so, too, can any two humans on Earth, and I think that was a subtext that bubbled up through the film and must have touched something, because you don't get many films that are universally loved and appreciated 40 years later. And it spoke to something. Some desire to be able to reach across boundaries and touch other people.


    Spielberg:I think all of my movies that have dealt with young people and their stories are about the importance of empowering these children to take control of the story, at least take control of their lives.我所有的电影都与年轻人和他们的故事有关,使这些孩子们更强大,控制故事的呈现很重要,至少他们可以控制自己的生活。


    But it was like I committed a war crime by making "1941." Everyone was eviscerating it. I was really devastated. Just that feeling of failure, that cold emptiness, where every reminder of the movie, you get that sick feeling in the center of your stomach, and you just want to go dig a hole and stick your head in it. I mean, for the next year, I put my head in a lot of holes. And my friend George Lucas came to the rescue.


    Spielberg:I was looking for a different perception of myself. And if I didn't want to consciously make a departure and prove something, not just to myself but to everyone else, I might not have chosen "Color Purple" as my next movie. But it was my first really mature film, which took on, you know, substantive, humanistic subject matter. I was turning 40 and I was looking at life perhaps less optimistically.


    Spielberg:I got in trouble with several critics who didn't like that I shied away from the love story between Shug and Celie. And the scene where Shug Avery shows Celie, with a mirror, her vagina, that that did not go into the movie, which would've really changed the entire nature and tone of the film. I just didn't go for the full monty the way the book did. I might've done that had I made the movie 10 years later. I was just timid. I was just a little embarrassed. I just wasn't the right guy to do that.


    I certainly experienced being excluded and being picked on and discriminated against. All I wanted to do was fit in. And by being Jewish, there was no way I could fit into anything.

    I began to deny my Jewishness, you know, began to deny everything that I had accepted as a child and was not willing to accept if it was going to make me a pariah. I was ashamed of myself. I still feel ashamed of myself even remembering that long stretch of my life where I didn't want to be Jewish anymore.


    I tried to do it with no fancy tricks, no fancy lenses, no big Hollywood sweeping cranes. I tried to take all the tools with which I made so many of my films and just chuck them out the window. I never handheld anything, but I wanted to handhold as much of "Schindler's List" as I possibly could. I just wanted to create for all of us the feeling that we were absolutely there at the time.


    Neeson:Oskar Schindler was a gregarious man. He was a second-rate businessman. Bit of a shady character, you know? A man about town, loved the women, loved his booze. A bon vivant, that's what he was.

    Spielberg:Everything we do in this medium is about light and shadow, how the cinematographer lights the actors, lights the set. If you look at "Schindler's List," Amon Goeth was always lit beautifully. He always had that beautiful front light. You know, the guy was very clear. There was no mystery in him. You don't have to enhance his evilness, if you may say, by lighting. Now, if you look at Oskar Schindler, that was a confused individual. He came to Poland to make money, so it's always glamorous, but always shadowy. And then as the movie's progressing, he gets more frontal light. The shadows disappear.身为导演的情感投入,以及电影之外的社会互动

    It was, emotionally, the hardest movie I've ever made.

    Kennedy:That was a pivotal moment in Steven's life. He recognized he couldn't take any of the profits from the film. He wanted to give something back, so he started what became the Shoah Foundation, documenting that oral history and capturing history in a way that allowed people not to forget.


    Robert Zemeckis:For a filmmaker, you can't have a better producer than one of the greatest directors in the world. He really nurtures young talent coming up. It's a pretty amazing roster. He's also a major figure in the television business. He started a restaurant. Dive! Submarine sandwiches. The man was, like, doing 27 things at once and being perfectly unselfconscious about it.

    Geffen:I don't think Steven really fears anything. He's always ready to go and do something new.


    Spielberg:I tried very, very hard to put the audience as close to the experience as I possibly knew how to do so there wouldn't ever be a safe feeling in the audience. And when you narrow that distance-- if you're successful in narrowing the distance, then the audience really becomes those characters.

    Edelstein:In "Saving Private Ryan," Spielberg understood the expressionistic possibilities of sound.

    And if you're not Steven, if you don't have this lifetime of cinematic language in your head, that's a different kind of day. But because his eye is so connected to his brain and every movie that he's ever seen and every movie that he's ever made, he just went out and said, "Here's how we're gonna do this, and that's it." Incredible.


    It was complex for me for a long time, but at least I had a art form that I could filter it through. At least I had that. If movies did anything for me, it-- I've avoided therapy because movies are my therapy.


    Insdorf:There are people struggling in one way or another for freedom in these movies. Give... us free. He doesn't take freedom for granted.

    Spielberg:I really believe in this country, and I always have. And it just resonated throughout my work-- wanting to tell American stories, wanting to tell stories about principled, ethical people who, against all advice and against most everyone else's better judgment, just proceed to do the right thing. I'm sure that sounds like I'm this kind of, you know, idealist or some sort of a patriot, but I am a patriot. And I'm somewhat of an idealist, too.


    Steven worked a long time to find where the story was to tell it.斯蒂芬会花很长时间去找在哪里讲故事。


    Spielberg:I felt I could not make this one-sided. And so, I knew it would be controversial from the very get-go.

    Daniel Craig:This movie was trying to affect and turn on a debate. Is vengeance the answer? Does it actually solve anything? If you continue the cycle of violence and cycle of blood, then... that's what they'll be and nothing else. Steven was very keen to tell a human story, that these were men and not superheroes. Their indecision and their mistakes and their-- is the reality of what happened, you know? Life isn't a "James Bond" movie.复仇是否就是答案


    Kushner:You're in the hands of somebody who will always show you what you need to see in order to understand, on a narrative level, what's happening. And you'll also see a lot of things that will help you understand on deeper levels as well. And that sort of narrative device


    Hoberman:The movie was perceived to be suffering from a sense of moral equivalence, which is really the bravest thing about the movie. It's looking for aspects of humanity on both sides of this conflict. Ambiguity is something that you don't normally associate with Spielberg's films, and "Munich" is the film where he went the furthest in the bluntness and the ferocity with which he approached that subject.


    Spielberg:Family is a big element in my life, which is why so many of my stories are about separation and then reunification. Even "Lincoln" is about separation and reunification.


    Williams:He understands that people and can serve him and how to synchronize his wishes with your own. He would've made a great general.


    Kennedy:Steven looks at movies constantly and over and over and over again, referencing shots and framing and ideas. That's something Steven does all the time.Spielberg:Great filmmakers' works live on to create tremendous moments of inspiration. And so, one of the films I still see every year is "Lawrence of Arabia." The shots, the sheer vistas, and the portrait of such a complex character, it's pure moviemaking. 伟大的电影导演的工作是创造巨大的启发性时刻。自我审视中的过去,成长

    Spielberg:Many years ago, Pauline Kael gave me a really great review on "Sugarland Express," but she said, "Whatever's on the surface might be all that is there. There may be nothing behind that." And she was absolutely right. I hadn't grown up yet through the movies. That was going to come in time.


    Maslin:Take a look at what he's done over close to 50 years. There's certainly a lot of variety. There are some things he's done that haven't worked, but there is absolutely nobody like him and no film career trajectory that is anything like his in the history of film. He speaks cinema as if it's his native language. He is so fluent in it that he does things that nobody else would dare to do and they are instantly recognizable as things that are purely his.

    Scorsese:He has a dynamic sense of real filmmaking. I'm talking about filmmaking of--in the great narrative tradition of American cinema. 真正的电影制作的动态感

    Coppola:Steven was blessed in that he could be commercial and he could do art.That's why I always compare him to a kind of George Gershwin, because Gershwin could write a Broadway show or he could write "Concerto in F." He could both, and very few people can do both. And Steven can do both. And that's a talent you have to be born with. 商业与艺术

  • 木星队长
    2021/8/2 10:26:01
    该片整体观影效果还是不错的,讲述森林性感女消防员保护掌握某公司财务机密的高管之子被追杀的故事。开篇没有拖泥带水直奔主题,情节紧凑,惊悚氛围恰到好处,是一部2021年上半年电影中等偏上的正能量惊悚片,小男主的演技也必须亮一颗星。剧中一些细节的逻辑与合理性可圈可点...  (展开)
    该片整体观影效果还是不错的,讲述森林性感女消防员保护掌握某公司财务机密的高管之子被追杀的故事。开篇没有拖泥带水直奔主题,情节紧凑,惊悚氛围恰到好处,是一部2021年上半年电影中等偏上的正能量惊悚片,小男主的演技也必须亮一颗星。剧中一些细节的逻辑与合理性可圈可点...  (展开)
  • L-H-T
    2019/6/9 19:54:24








  • 露西亚低电量版
    2021/9/6 17:56:57





  • 包爸
    2018/12/18 20:08:25



    1. 这是一部根据著名科幻小说作家菲利浦.迪克的同名小说改变的美剧,小说的NB之处在于开了一个平行宇宙的脑洞,在那个宇宙里,德国纳粹和日本法西斯在二战中胜利,美国被德日肢解和统治,美利坚人民身处水深火热之中。在这个宇宙的1962年,一个号称住在高堡里的奇人依靠易经的力量写了一部小说,幻想了又一个平行宇宙



    1. 这是一部根据著名科幻小说作家菲利浦.迪克的同名小说改变的美剧,小说的NB之处在于开了一个平行宇宙的脑洞,在那个宇宙里,德国纳粹和日本法西斯在二战中胜利,美国被德日肢解和统治,美利坚人民身处水深火热之中。在这个宇宙的1962年,一个号称住在高堡里的奇人依靠易经的力量写了一部小说,幻想了又一个平行宇宙(为什么要说“又”……):在那里英美取得了二战胜利,美国向中国输出粮食科技和教育,打开了东方的市场。但好景不长,英美争霸的冷热战也开场了;

    2. 美剧巧妙地把原著中的小说替换为在不同平行宇宙中拍摄的电影新闻胶片,并给予剧中某些人物可以在多个宇宙间携带这些电影穿越的能力。然后增加了两个大放异彩的反派人物——大纳粹帝国(The Greater Nazi Reich)北美地区的党卫队头子John Smith和日属太平洋合众国(The Japanese Pacific States)宪兵队总检察官城户武。同时将60年代怀旧和若隐若现的幻想元素近乎完美地捏和在一起,创造出一个让人沉溺其中的世界。

  • Maggie_in_LA
    2021/11/10 17:02:15

    ( Belfast ) (A-) 这部电影可以说是《罗马》与《米纳里》的混合,用黑白的影像呈现出一个9岁小男孩童年在家乡贝尔法斯特那段改变人生的过往。我个人觉得一些曾经背井离乡,迁徙或移民到其他地方生活的人会特别有共鸣。特别是已经进入中年、老年的人,生活已经稳定下来,更容易回顾往昔与家人和邻里相处的时光。


    ( Belfast ) (A-) 这部电影可以说是《罗马》与《米纳里》的混合,用黑白的影像呈现出一个9岁小男孩童年在家乡贝尔法斯特那段改变人生的过往。我个人觉得一些曾经背井离乡,迁徙或移民到其他地方生活的人会特别有共鸣。特别是已经进入中年、老年的人,生活已经稳定下来,更容易回顾往昔与家人和邻里相处的时光。




    Buddy成为了现在的导演兼演员肯尼思·布拉纳 (Kenneth Branagh),而他更希望通过这个故事去展示当年父母和祖父母经历的一切,证明对于小孩来说,无论外面有再大的风雨,只要有家人在,总是感觉到足够的爱与安全。很感人的部分是最终他们必须与祖父母离别,远走他乡,而前面足够的生活点滴已经让观众足以喜欢上这对祖父母,就会更加能体会到分离的悲伤。


    虽然多南的演唱片段确实让人刮目相看,但我觉得出演祖父母的两个老演员朱迪·丹奇和塞伦·希德还有小童星Jude Hill更加出彩。


    至少我们都了解了Kenneth Branagh从小就是个有趣的孩子,他的表现欲也是从父母那里继承来的,而幽默感则是全家都具有的法宝。


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