A Plain Story, a little bit Magical, but no Surprises.
I'm Louis, I lost my parents.
I figure I can go to my uncle's, he seems like a nice guy.
Ok, this house is kind of creepy, why so many clocks.
There is a cool lady, dress like elegant eggplant, must like purple a lot.
First day in school, kids look at me like I'm a werid owl,
probably becuase I supposed to be cute but I dress like an old man?
Never mind class over I should go to bed,
OMG somebody is walking outside in the middle of the night,
oh that's my uncle! but he seems suspicious.
Why this clock rings at 3 am? so loud! and can't be turn off?
somthing is not right.
It turns out my uncle, except his funny face, knows MAGIC, as well as the purple lady,
and the stuff in the house can actully move by it's own will, they are so adoreable!
Well I wanna learn magic too, teach me please.
haha wow I'm very good at it.
I wanna be friend with a kid in my shcool, so I show him some magic.
but he wants something more, somthing dark.
so I break my uncle's rule and bring back a man from the dead. yeah I'm that good.
Perhaps I can make my parents alive too!
Anyway, we find out in fact this is the guy who designed the clock in the wall, and he also wants to destory the world, plus kills all human being.
Ooops! this is all my fault...
Purple lady stands up, convinced us we can fight for it,
I join it, I'm brave and smart, I'm not afraid of some evil old man and his ugly wife.
In fact I'm the one who push the bad guy into the trap,
and he is gone forever, everything is back to normal again.
Now I'm just a cool kid who knows magic.
ha ha ha
The end.
So I start wondering why I decided to watch this movie in the first place, because Cate Blanclett is in it and she is so charming? because it might be as good as Harry Potter? because Jack Black could be an interesting character to amuse the audience?
If these were the reasons, I have to say it didn't do a good job on any of these. It's too plain. But you can still go if you wanna eat some popcorn at the theather, kill some time, or simply wanna bring your kid. For me, it's always great to see Cate Blanclett in the big screen again. :)