
  • 天天美剧吧
    2022/4/17 18:47:29
    惊喜!天天又发现一部神剧! 亚马逊再次脑洞大开,超自然现象,神秘失踪,荒野命案,土地纷争,不速之客……这些元素的组合,光想想就让人颅内高潮。 有人评价说,它是《黄石》与超自然的相遇。 《外围》 Outer Range 共8集 | 每集40分钟 这部剧邀请到了乔什·布洛林来饰演男主...  
    惊喜!天天又发现一部神剧! 亚马逊再次脑洞大开,超自然现象,神秘失踪,荒野命案,土地纷争,不速之客……这些元素的组合,光想想就让人颅内高潮。 有人评价说,它是《黄石》与超自然的相遇。 《外围》 Outer Range 共8集 | 每集40分钟 这部剧邀请到了乔什·布洛林来饰演男主...  (展开)
  • 贺運
    2022/10/16 23:31:27



  • 湘织
    2016/12/30 21:02:50
  • 春风吹又生
    2016/3/1 21:48:35
  • 浅草
    2008/1/8 20:12:22
  • 子瑜
    2022/8/11 22:59:44
    斗罗粉闻声而来,是什么开始更新了,是我无双珠! 嘿嘿,开局各种切镜换场一整个被震撼住!直接就爱上了这个画风。 两个天才少年的诞生,活泼开朗向上的蓝歌,与相对安静又身为执法者的法铧,人物形象在他们在斗场跟与他人的交流间慢慢浮现出来,不过个人还是比较爱法铧,嘿嘿...  (展开)
    斗罗粉闻声而来,是什么开始更新了,是我无双珠! 嘿嘿,开局各种切镜换场一整个被震撼住!直接就爱上了这个画风。 两个天才少年的诞生,活泼开朗向上的蓝歌,与相对安静又身为执法者的法铧,人物形象在他们在斗场跟与他人的交流间慢慢浮现出来,不过个人还是比较爱法铧,嘿嘿...  (展开)
  • 电影派
    2021/11/25 10:57:33











  • 135****4321
    2015/3/31 22:15:11









    对于这部电影我也没怎么看,但我也是看完了全场。总之我觉得做工是很粗糙的,这从英文字幕可以看出,ok 你竟然能打成o我也是醉了

                                                                                 以上 某小鬼
  • 元气满满翰翰子
    2019/7/21 1:34:47

    就喜欢jump scare ,爽!



    就喜欢jump scare ,爽!



  • 青石
    2020/4/5 12:13:53
    又挖到了一部冷门但好看的国产网剧。 《公子,我娶定你了》 老实说,一开始看到这个羞耻的剧名,满满的古早小言剧的味道,总有一种就算好看安利起来都很不好意思的感觉。 所以本打算就当做近几年打得火热的言情小甜剧来看,没想到一集下来就上头,一口气刷完12集还意犹未尽。 ...  (展开)
    又挖到了一部冷门但好看的国产网剧。 《公子,我娶定你了》 老实说,一开始看到这个羞耻的剧名,满满的古早小言剧的味道,总有一种就算好看安利起来都很不好意思的感觉。 所以本打算就当做近几年打得火热的言情小甜剧来看,没想到一集下来就上头,一口气刷完12集还意犹未尽。 ...  (展开)
  • 错觉
    2018/9/11 18:36:49






  • 桃拜拜
    2021/7/24 1:51:05






  • Shirleysays
    2020/9/4 21:04:58






















  • 程然
    2022/3/17 18:31:27















  • 未庄完人
    2021/12/19 10:26:34





    高级词汇——共512 个 (按字母排序):

    abiding abscond abstraction acceptable access accuracy adore advanced adverse aftermath aggregate aggressive altar alternative ample anarchist annals annex aperitif apocryphal apology appearance appendix arcade arcane argument aroma arrogant artery artillery artisan assemble assignment assumed asterisk astute asylum attic attractive automobile bail barrage barricade besmirch bicker blase blessing blockade bolster bonus bookcase brace bravery bribe brisk broker burial canary canopy canvas cavity ceiling celebrated cement charming chef chisel chunk circulation circumstance citation clamorous clay clique cluster coax coddle collection colonize colony colossal comestible comet committed composite comprehend concern concise concrete connoisseur constrict contemplation contingent convalescent convoluted coop cosmic courteous courtesy criticize crucial crude cruelty cub cuisine custody damp dangle dazzle decapitate decent decree defeat defense dehydrate deliberately demented demolish denizen denounce depletion deposit depress desertion designate deterrent dignity din dire disciple dismantle distinctly distinguished district domain dominant drainage duration dynamic edifice elite eloquent elude emission emphasize encyclopedia endow engrave enhance enigmatic ennui enthusiastic entirety entreaty entry envision epilogue epitaph eradicate erase erect erotic establishment esteem estranged evasion exclusive exemplar exhaust exhibit exhilarate exorbitant expatriate expertise explosive exposition extend facilitate faction factual fanatical fathom ferocious filthy firearm fiscal flask folklore forensic formulate fortitude founder fragrant fresco fringe fumes galaxy gamble genuine glacial glaring glitter glossary gracious gravitate grease grenade grief growl grumpy halt hamper hasty hatred haunt havoc honk hooligan host hovel hut hygiene hypothetical identify illiterate illuminate illusion impressed impulsive inappropriate incarcerate incur indecipherable indiscreet infamous inscribe inspired installation instantaneous instrumentalist insufficient intimate intriguing invalid invincible irony jargon jeopardy kidnap kidney lair laundry limp loathe lofty loose lull lullaby luminous lunatic lusty luxury magistrate magnificent maintain makeshift mandatory manifestation manifesto maraud mastermind masterpiece maxim mechanical medley menagerie mesmerize metaphor metaphorical mild mince miniature misfortune mode moldy money mood motto multiple mural muse mysterious mythology naive narcissism negotiation nourish obedient obituary obligation obliterate obnoxious odyssey omit operative outrageous overdue overt overthrow oyster parasite participant pastry peel peninsula pension penultimate peppery perch perfume period peripheral permanent permission perpetual petition pharmacist photograph pigment pirate pivotal plaque plastered poach poem poetry poison polished politic portable portion possession potent pottery precinct predicament prickly priority privilege probation promiscuous promote prong proofread proportion protracted provincial provisions psychopathic psychotic purity quasi query racketeer radiant rat ration rattle reactionary ream recipe reckless recollection refined reflection relocate remarkable remit remorse renaissance reserved reside residence resolution resourceful respectful retain retention revoke ringlet riot ritual robust rowdy rustle ruthless sack satisfaction saturate savage scamper scared scavenger scent scratch scribble script scripture sculptor searing seascape secret seedy sensation serfdom shackle shallow shed sheer shingle signatory sketch skin skirmish slice slovenly slug snitch solitary spasm spectacular spinster spite squalor squander stake stale stalemate stalk stall startle starve stencil stingy stink stipulate stir strike striking studio submission submit subscribe subterranean summon superficial superior supplement surreptitious suspended swell swing taint tapestry tender testimony timely torture touching toxic trade trajectory transform transport transportation travelogue trench trio triumph tutor typo umpteen unanimous unbridled underling uniform unpredictable unrequited urban utopian vacate vacuum valid valor vandalize vanguard vanity verbatim vermin veteran victuals violent viscosity voluminous vouch warrant wastrel weave welcome whisper willow withhold


    abacus abrupt accelerate accomplice address admire adopt advocate alcohol amateur apologize archive arrest article aspire associate assure august authority avoid bearing blue bolt bubble burst campaign capture cast cell choice claim coincidence collected comic commission community companion conduct confuse considerable consistent constant construct contain content contract control convict convinced critic curse debate decline definition demonstration despise detection dispatch diverse draft drawn employ encounter escort evolve exceed exceptional execute exposure faculty fault fell felony footnote functional fundamental generation guilty guy hint husband illustration import impulse indicate informed innocent intellectual intent intentional interrupt issue keen liberty license literal locate massive mate minutes movement mystery neutral nightmare obvious offend overlap particular pen pilgrim plain planet poisonous precise previous prop protest quote rank reinforce release remains remove render reputation rescue resist respective restless restore rival saw scale secure shell shrink signal significant smuggle spell split stock stomach stretch strip subsequent sufficient survive sway swift switch unique utter vague violence vivid withdraw witness

    高级词汇参考释义 (按影片中首次出现位置排序)

    travelogue n. film or lecture about travel

    assemble [?'semb?l] -- v. 集合,聚集,收集;装配,安装

    expatriate [eks'p?trieit] -- v. 驱逐出国;脱离国籍

    transform v. sth/sb (into sth) completely change the appearance or character of sth/sb

    factual ['f?kt?u?l] -- adj. 真实的,事实的

    politic adj. (of actions) well judged; prudent

    cuisine [kwi'zi:n] -- n. 烹饪

    haunt [h?:nt] -- v. 常到;鬼魂出没;(事情)萦绕心头; n. 常去的地方

    expertise [`eksp?:'ti:z] -- n. 专门技术,专业知识

    gracious [?ɡrei??s] -- adj. 大方的,和善的;奢华的

    courteous adj. having or showing good manners; polite ;

    fiscal ['fisk?l] -- adj. 国库的,财政的

    convoluted ['k?nv?lu:tid] -- adj. 旋绕的;费解的

    apocryphal [??p?kr?f?l] -- adj. 假冒的,虚假的

    circulation n. movement of blood round the body from and back to the heart

    subscribe [s?b'skraib] -- v. 捐助;订购

    willow ['wil?u] -- n. 柳树

    hamper ['h?mp?] -- v. 妨碍,阻挠; n. 有盖提篮

    umpteen pron, det too many to count; numerous

    plaque n. flat piece of stone, metal or porcelain fixed on a wall as an ornament or a memorial

    citation [sai?tei??n] -- n. 引证,引用文,传票

    ream [ri:m] -- n. 令(纸张的计数单位)

    burial ['beri?l] -- n. 埋葬,埋藏

    stipulate ['stipjuleit] -- v. 要求以…为条件;约定

    dismantle [dis'm?ntl] -- v. 拆除

    vacate v. cease to occupy (a place or position)

    ample ['?mpl] -- adj. 充足的,丰富的

    bonus n. payment added to what is usual or expected, eg an extra dividend paid to shareholders in a company or to holders of an insurance policy

    permanent ['p?:m?n?nt] -- adj. 长久的,永久的

    obituary [?'bitju?ri] -- n. 讣闻,讣告

    portion n. part or share into which sth is divided

    epitaph ['epita:f] -- n. 墓志铭

    verbatim [v?:'beitim] -- adj. 逐字的,照字面的

    stencil ['stens?l] -- n. (用以刻写图案、文字的)模板; v. 用模板刻写

    shingle ['?i?g?l] -- n. 木瓦,屋顶板;木质小招牌

    concrete ['k??kri:t] -- adj. 具体存在的;混凝土

    masterpiece n. task done with great skill, esp an artist's greatest work

    dangle ['d??g?l] -- v. 摇摆,悬荡; 悬而未定,使(某人的希望或期望)不定地悬着或一直没有解决

    manifesto [`m?ni'fest?u] -- n. 宣言,声明

    glossary ['gl?s?ri] -- n. 词汇表;难词表

    epilogue ['epil?g] -- n. 收场白;尾声

    circumstance n. condition or fact connected with an event or action

    coddle ['k?dl] -- v. 溺爱;细心照料

    coax [k?uks] -- v. 哄诱,巧言劝诱

    ferocious [f?'r?u??s] -- adj. 凶猛的,残暴的

    ennui [?n'wi:] -- n. 倦怠;无聊; v. 使…无聊

    cluster ['kl?st?] -- n. 串,束,群; v. 成群,成串

    district ['distrikt] -- n. 地区,行政区,(美国各州的)众议院选区

    arcade n. covered passage or area, esp one with an arched roof and shops along one or both sides

    victuals n. food and drink; provisions ;

    comestible [k?'mestibl] -- n. 食物,食品; adj. 可吃的

    canopy ['k?n?pi] -- n. 蚊帐;华盖

    demolish [di'm?li?] -- v. 破坏;拆除

    menagerie n. collection of wild animals in captivity, esp in a travelling circus or for exhibition

    vermin ['v?:min] -- n. 害虫,寄生虫

    scavenger n. animal, bird or person that scavenges

    rat n. rodent that looks like, but is larger than, a mouse .

    colonize ['k?l?naiz] -- v. 建立殖民地

    subterranean [`s?bt?'reini?n] -- adj. 地下的

    shallow adj. not deep

    drainage ['dreinid?] -- n. 排水,排水系统

    host n. of sb/sth large number of people or things

    maraud [m?'r?:d] -- v. 抢劫,掠夺

    stalk [st?:k] -- v. 隐伏跟踪(猎物)

    pension ['pen??n] -- n. 养老金,退休金

    havoc ['h?v?k] -- n. 大破坏,混乱

    reckless adj. (of people or their actions) not thinking of the consequences or of danger; rash or impulsive

    hovel ['h?vl] -- n. 茅舍;肮脏的小屋

    automobile n. =car

    blessing n. God's favour and protection

    honk n. cry of the wild goose

    emission n. sending out or giving off (of light, heat, fumes, matter, fluid from the body, etc)

    toxic ['t?ksik] -- adj. 有毒的,中毒的

    fumes [ fume: ] to be overcome with anger or fury; rage

    filthy adj. disgustingly dirty

    exhaust [ig'z?:st] -- n. (机器排出的)废气,蒸气; v. 使非常疲倦

    blase [?blɑ:ze?] -- adj. 厌倦享乐的,冷漠的

    hygiene ['haid?i:n] -- n. 卫生学;卫生

    medley ['medli] -- n. 混合歌曲;混杂;各种各样的集团

    promiscuous adj. not carefully chosen; indiscriminate or casual

    saturate ['s?t?reit] -- v. 浸透;使充满

    maxim ['m?ksim] -- n. 格言,普遍真理

    withhold [wie'h?uld] -- v. 扣留,保留

    secret adj. kept or intended to be kept from the knowledge or view of others; not known by others

    seedy adj. shabby-looking; disreputable

    decent adj. proper; acceptable

    charming adj. delightful

    vanguard ['v?nga:d] -- n. 前卫

    celebrated ['selibreitid] -- adj. 有名的,知名的

    colossal [k?'l?s?l] -- adj. 巨大的,庞大的

    period n. length or portion of time

    cement [si'ment] -- n. 水泥;胶黏剂; v. 黏合,巩固

    aggregate ['?grigeit] -- v. 集合;合计

    mural ['mju?r?l] -- adj. 墙壁的; n. 壁画

    eloquent adj. having or showing eloquence

    rowdy ['raudi] -- adj. 吵闹的;粗暴的

    pivotal adj. of or forming a pivot

    installation n. installing or being installed

    collection [k?'lek??n] -- n. 收藏品

    exhibit n. object or collection of objects displayed for the public, eg in a museum

    artisan a manually skilled worker

    incarcerate [in'ka:s?reit] -- v. 下狱,监禁

    lunatic ['lu:n?tik] -- n. 疯子; adj. 极蠢的

    asylum [?'sail?m] -- n. 避难所,庇护所

    omit [?u'mit] -- v. 省略,遗漏;疏忽

    annals ['?n?lz] -- n. 编年史

    annex [??neks] -- n. 附件

    evasion [??ve???n] -- n. 躲避,借口

    designate [?deziɡneit] -- v. 指明,指出;任命,指派; adj. (官职)已任命但还未就职的

    demented [di'mentid] -- adj. 疯狂的

    tender ['tend?] -- v. 提出(希望对方接受的意见等)

    deposit [di?p?zit] -- v. 存放;使淤积

    signatory ['sign?t?ri] -- n. 签署者,签署国

    vouch [vaut?] -- v. 担保,证明

    remit [ri'mit] -- v. 免除;宽恕;汇款

    shed [?ed] -- v. 流出(眼泪等);脱落(叶子)

    luxury ['l?k??ri] -- n. 奢侈(品)

    squalor ['skw?l?] -- n. 不洁,污秽

    permission n. act of allowing sb to do sth; consent

    privilege ['privilid?] -- n. 特权,特别利益

    mandatory ['m?nd?t?ri] -- adj. 命令的,强迫的

    ration ['r???n] -- n. 定量配给; v. 配给

    poison n. substance causing death or harm if absorbed by a living thing

    clay [klei] -- n. 黏土

    pottery ['p?t?ri] -- n. 制陶;陶器

    weave v. sth (from sth) make (fabric, etc) by passing threads or strips crosswise over and under lengthwise ones, by hand or on a machine

    gravitate [?gr?v??te?t] -- v. 被强烈地吸引

    enhance [in?hɑ:ns] -- v. 提高,增加,改善

    erotic adj. of or arousing sexual desire

    quasi [?kwɑ:zi(:)] -- adj. 貌似的,类似的,准的

    serfdom [?s?:fd?m] -- n. 农奴身份,农奴境遇

    illiterate [i'lit?rit] -- adj. 文盲的

    radiant adj. sending out rays of light; shining brightly

    entreaty [in'tri:ti] -- n. 恳求,哀求

    enthusiastic adj. full of enthusiasm

    cruelty n. readiness to cause pain or suffering to others; cruel actions

    canvas ['k?nv?s] -- n. 画布;帆布

    connoisseur [`k?n?'s?:] -- n. 鉴赏家,行家

    seascape n. picture of a scene at sea

    tapestry ['t?pistri] -- n. 挂毯

    exorbitant [ig'z?:bit?nt] -- adj. 过分的,过度的

    money n. means of payment, esp coins and banknotes, given and accepted in buying and selling

    magistrate n. official who acts as a judge in the lowest courts; Justice of the Peace

    decapitate v. cut the head off

    defense [di'fens] -- n. 防御,防护

    genuine ['d?enjuin] -- adj. 真的;真诚的

    remorse [ri'm?:s] -- n. 懊悔,悔恨

    ritual ['rit?u?l] -- n. 仪式,例行习惯

    slice [slais] -- v. 切成片; n. 薄片

    predicament [pri'dik?m?nt] -- n. 困境,窘境

    psychotic adj. of or suffering from psychosis

    respectful adj. (of sth) feeling or showing respect

    submit [s?b'mit] -- v. 屈服;提交,呈递

    petition [pi'ti??n] -- n. 请愿;请愿书

    revoke v. withdraw or cancel (a decree, permit, etc)

    duration [dju?'rei??n] -- n. 持续的时间

    unanimous [ju:'n?nim?s] -- adj. 全体意见一致的

    promote [pr?'m?ut] -- v. 提升;促进

    exclusive [ik'sklu:siv] -- adj. (人)孤僻的;(物)专用的

    broker ['br?uk?] -- n. 经纪人

    exposition [`eksp?'zi??n] -- n. 阐释;博览会

    sensation [sen'sei??n] -- n. 知觉;轰动(的事)

    inspired [in'spai?d] -- adj. 有创见的,有灵感的

    robust [r?u'b?st] -- adj. 健壮的

    striking ['straiki?] -- adj. 引人注目的,明显的

    domain [,d?u'mein] -- n. 领土;领域

    shackle ['??k?l] -- n. 脚镣,枷锁

    grease [gri:s] -- n. (炼出的)动物油脂;滑脂

    extend [ik'stend] -- v. 延展,延长;舒展(肢体)

    adverse ['?dv?:s] -- adj. 不利的;相反的;敌对的

    skin n. elastic substance that forms the outer covering of the body of a person or an animal

    muse [mju:z] -- v. 沉思,冥想

    torture ['t?:t??] -- n. 酷刑,折磨; v. 对…施以酷刑

    dynamic [dai'n?mik] -- adj. 动态的;有活力的

    lusty ['l?sti] -- adj. 精力充沛的

    slovenly adj. careless, untidy, dirty, etc in appearance, dress or habits

    violent adj. using, showing or caused by strong (esp unlawful) physical force

    savage ['s?vid?] -- adj. 凶猛的,野蛮的

    acceptable adj. worth accepting

    sculptor n. person who makes sculptures

    unpredictable adj. that cannot be predicted

    impulsive adj. marked by sudden action that is undertaken without careful thought

    pigment ['pigm?nt] -- n. 天然色素;干粉颜料

    studio ['stju:di?u] -- n. 工作室,画室,演播室

    inappropriate adj. not suitable or appropriate (for sb/sth)

    scribble ['skrib?l] -- v. 乱写,乱涂

    encyclopedia [en?saikl?u?pi:dj?] -- n. 百科全书

    entry [?entri] -- n. 条目;记录;报关手续;入口

    disciple [di'saip?l] -- n. 信徒,弟子

    squander ['skw?nd?] -- v. 浪费,挥霍

    multiple ['m?ltip?l] -- adj. 多样的,多重的

    sketch n. rough quickly-made drawing, without many details

    protracted prolonged

    bribe [braib] -- v. 贿赂

    outrageous adj. very offensive or immoral; shocking

    intriguing adj. full of interest, esp because unusual; fascinating

    summon ['s?m?n] -- v. 召见;召集

    priority [prai'?riti] -- n. 在先,居前;优先权

    astute [?'stju:t] -- adj. 机敏的,精明的

    residence n. house, esp a large or impressive one

    facilitate [f?'siliteit] -- v. 使容易,促进

    timely ['taimli] -- adj. 适时的,及时的

    surreptitious [`s?r?p'ti??s] -- adj. 鬼鬼祟祟的

    access ['?kses] -- v. 得到;使用

    reside [ri'zaid] -- v. 居住

    operative ['?p?r?tiv] -- adj. (计划)实施中的;生效的

    concern v. be the business of (sb); be important to; affect ;

    welcome adj. received with or giving pleasure

    alternative adj. available in place of sth else; other

    invalid adj. not properly based or able to be upheld by reasoning

    triumph [?trai?mf] -- v./n. 凯旋,胜利,欢欣

    mesmerize ['mezm?raiz] -- v. 对…催眠;迷住

    fresco ['fresk?u] -- n. 壁画

    renaissance n. the Renaissance revival of art and literature in the 14th, 15th and 16th centuries, based on classical forms 14 15 16

    illuminate [i'lju:mineit] -- v. 阐明,解释;照亮

    altar n. table on which bread and wine are consecrated in the Communion service .

    crucial ['kru:??l] -- adj. 决定性的

    scratch [skr?t?] -- v. 乱涂乱画

    plastered adj. drunk

    rustle ['r?sl] -- v. (使某物)发出轻而爽的声音

    loose adj. freed from control; not tied up

    negotiation n. discussion aimed at reaching an agreement; negotiating

    arrogant ['?r?g?nt] -- adj. 傲慢的,自大的

    obnoxious [?b'n?k??s] -- adj. 令人不愉快的;可憎的

    peel [pi:l] -- v. 削去…的皮;剥落; n. 外皮

    fathom ['f?e?m] -- n. 英寻(水深量度单位); v. 彻底明白,了解

    stink v. (infml ) (of sth) have a very unpleasant and offensive smell

    growl [graul] -- v. (动物)咆哮,吼叫

    psychopathic adj. of or suffering from a severe emotional or mental disorder

    defeat v. win a victory over (sb); overcome

    contemplation n. action of looking at sth/sb thoughtfully

    peripheral [p?'rif?r?l] -- adj. 不重要的,外围的

    endow [in'dau] -- v. 资助,捐助

    estranged [i?streind?d] -- adj. 疏远的;分开的,分离的

    maintain v. sth cause sth to continue; keep sth in existence at the same level, standard, etc

    stingy ['stind?i] -- adj. 吝啬的,小气的

    aftermath ['a:ft?m?θ] -- n. 事件的后果,余波

    valor ['v?l?] -- n. 勇武,英勇

    distinguished [di'sti?gwi?t] -- adj. 著名的,卓越的

    urban adj. of, situated in or living in a city or town

    probation n. (system of) keeping an official check on the behaviour of (esp young) people found guilty of crime as an alternative to sending them to prison

    entirety [in'tai?r?ti] -- n. 整体,全面

    relocate v. (from...) (to...) move (sb/sth) to, or build (sth) in, another place

    artillery [a:'til?ri] -- n. 大炮;炮兵

    transport [tr?n'sp?:t] -- v. 运输; n. 狂喜

    assumed adj. pretended; false

    erase [i'reiz] -- v. 擦掉,抹去

    laundry n. business where clothes, sheets, etc are laundered

    courtesy n. courteous behaviour; good manners

    indiscreet adj. too open in what one says or does; lacking tact or caution

    clamorous adj. making loud demands or protests

    gamble ['g?mb?l] -- v./n. 赌博;孤注一掷

    stalemate ['steilmeit] -- n. 和棋局面;僵局

    superficial [`su:p?'fi??l] -- adj. 表面的,肤浅的

    appearance n. coming into view; arrival

    vanity ['v?niti] -- n. 虚荣,自负

    contingent [k?n'tind??nt] -- adj. 意外的;视情况或条件而定的

    participant n. person or group of people who participate in sth

    emphasize To articulate or enunciate with special impressiveness upon a word, or a group of words.

    grumpy ['gr?mpi] -- adj. 脾气暴躁的

    aggressive [?'gresiv] -- adj. 好斗的;进取的

    prickly very irritable ; having or covered with protective barbs or quills or spines or thorns etc.

    swell [swel] -- v. 肿胀,增强

    deliberately adv. unhurriedly

    deterrent n, adj that deters or is meant to deter

    barrage ['b?ra:?] -- n. 弹幕

    searing [ sear: ] to scorch or burn the surface of

    spasm n. strong, sudden and uncontrollable tightening of a muscle or muscles

    constrict [k?n'strikt] -- v. 压缩,收缩

    barricade ['b?rikeid] -- v. 设栅阻挡; n. 栅栏

    bookcase n. piece of furniture with shelves for books

    resolution n. quality of being resolute or firm; determination

    proofread [?pru:f?ri:d] -- v. 校对

    damp [d?mp] -- v. 减弱,抑制; adj. 潮湿的

    metaphorical adj. of or like a metaphor; containing metaphors

    criticize to judge (something) with disapproval; censure

    impressed [im'prest] -- adj. 被打动的;被感动的

    typo [?taip?u] -- n. 排印错误

    odyssey ['?disi] -- n. 长途的冒险旅行

    stall [st?:l] -- v. 使停止,使延迟

    halt n. temporary stop; interruption of progress

    transportation n. = transport

    suspended [ suspend: ] vt. to hang from above so as to permit free movement

    strike n. organized stopping of work by employees because of a disagreement (eg over pay, conditions, etc); act or instance of striking (strike

    appendix n. section that gives extra information at the end of a book or document

    concise [k?n'sais] -- adj. 简洁的

    exhilarate [ig'zil?reit] -- v. 使高兴

    naive [na:?i:v] -- adj. 天真的,纯朴的

    obedient [?'bi:dj?nt] -- adj. 服从的,顺从的

    ruthless adj. having or showing no pity or compassion; cruel

    obliterate [?'blit?reit] -- v. 涂掉,擦掉

    jargon ['d?a:g?n] -- n. 暗语;行话

    bicker ['bik?] -- v. 为小事争吵

    perpetual [p?'pet?u?l] -- adj. 连续不断的;永久的

    argument n. (about/over sth) disagreement; quarrel

    clique [kli:k] -- n. 朋党派系,小集团

    obligation [`?bli'gei??n] -- n. 责任;债务,欠的人情

    besmirch [bi'sm?:t?] -- v. 诽谤

    sack [s?k] -- n. 粗布袋; v. 掠夺

    stale [steil] -- adj. 不新鲜的,陈腐的

    trench [trent?] -- n. 沟,壕沟

    chunk [t???k] -- n. 短厚块状物;大量

    explosive [ik'spl?usiv] -- n. 炸药; adj. 爆炸性的;使人冲动的

    parasite ['p?r?sait] -- n. 食客;寄生虫

    cavity ['k?viti] -- n. (牙齿等的)洞,腔

    uniform ['ju:nif?:m] -- n. 制服; adj. 相同的,一致的

    hut [h?t] -- n. 简陋的房子,棚

    pharmacist n. person who has been trained to prepare medicines; pharmaceutical chemist

    depress v. make sad and without enthusiasm

    attractive adj. having the power to attract(2a); pleasing or interesting

    wastrel ['weistr?l] -- n. 挥霍无度的人

    envision [en?v???n] -- v. 想象,预想

    ceiling n. top inner surface of a room

    desertion n. deserting or being deserted

    overthrow [??uv??θr?u] -- n./v. 推翻;终止

    reactionary [ri:'?k??n?ri] -- adj. 保守的,反动的

    brisk [brisk] -- adj. 快的,敏捷的,活泼的;清新健康的

    whisper ['wisp?] -- v. 耳语,低声说话

    denounce [di'nauns] -- v. 指责

    decree [di'kri:] -- n. 命令,法令; v. 颁布命令

    erect [i?rekt] -- adj. 竖立的,笔直的,直立的

    pirate ['pai?r?t] -- n. 海盗,剽窃者; v. 盗印;掠夺

    blockade [bl?'keid] -- v./n. 封锁

    incur [in'k?:] -- v. 招惹

    overdue [`?uv?'dju:] -- adj. 过期未付的;逾期的

    custody ['k?st?di] -- n. 监管,保管

    spite [spait] -- n. 怨恨,恶意

    purity ['pju?riti] -- n. 纯洁,纯净;纯度

    utopian [ju:'t?upi?n] -- adj. 乌托邦式的,梦想的

    faction ['f?k??n] -- n. 派系;派系斗争

    illusion [i'lu:??n] -- n. 假象,错觉

    luminous adj. giving out light; bright

    abstraction n. of sth removing; taking away ;

    polished adj. shiny from polishing

    inscribe [in'skraib] -- v. 在某物上写,题写

    manifestation outward demonstration; indication

    riot ['rai?t] -- v. 参加暴动

    apology n. (for sth) statement to say one is sorry for having done wrong or hurt sb's feelings

    dignity ['digniti] -- n. 尊严,尊贵

    hasty ['heisti] -- adj. 急急忙忙的

    script [skript] -- n. 剧本,脚本

    invincible adj. too strong to be overcome or defeated

    comet n. object that moves round the sun and looks like a bright star with a long, less bright tail

    galaxy ['g?l?k?si] -- n. (银河)星群;显赫的人群

    cosmic [?k?zmik] -- adj. 宇宙的

    recollection [`rek?'lek??n] -- n. 记忆力;记忆中的往事

    scent n. characteristic smell of sth, esp a pleasant one

    perfume n. fragrant or pleasant smell

    remarkable adj. worth noticing or unusual; exceptional

    vandalize ['v?nd?laiz] -- v. 肆意破坏

    crude adj. in the natural state; unrefined

    indecipherable [`indi'saif?r?b?l] -- adj. 无法破译的

    asterisk [??st??r?sk] -- n. 星号

    magnificent [m?ɡ?nifis?nt] -- adj. 壮丽的,宏伟的;高尚的

    artery ['a:t?ri] -- n. 动脉,命脉

    mechanical [mi'k?nik?l] -- adj. 机械的,机械制造的;机械似的,呆板的,体力的

    identify v. sb/sth as sb/sth show, prove, etc who or what sb/sth is; recognize sb/sth (as being the specified person or thing)

    touching ['t?t?i?] -- adj. 引起同情的

    narcissism [na:'sisizm] -- n. 自恋,自爱

    glaring adj. dazzling

    metaphor ['met?f?] -- n. 隐喻,暗喻

    scamper ['sk?mp?] -- v. 奔跑,快跑

    swing [swi?] -- v. 摇摆;旋转;秋千

    photograph n. picture formed by means of the chemical action of light on a specially prepared surface, eg film or a glass plate, and then transferred to specially prepared paper

    accuracy n. precision or exactness, esp resulting from careful effort

    retention [ri'ten??n] -- n. 保留,保持

    distinctly adv. in a distinct manner; clearly

    intimate ['intimit] -- adj. 亲密的; n. 密友; v. 暗示

    poem n. piece of creative writing inverse, esp one expressing deep feelings or noble thoughts in beautiful language, written with the intention of communicating an experience

    unrequited [?nri'kwaitid] -- adj. 无报答的

    esteem v. (not used in the continuous tenses ) have a high opinion of (sb/sth); respect greatly

    kidnap [?kidn?p] -- v. 诱拐,绑架,勒赎

    chef [?ef] -- n. 厨师

    peninsula [pi'ninsjul?] -- n. 半岛

    query ['kwi?ri] -- n./v. 质问,疑问,询问

    insufficient adj. not sufficient

    penultimate [pi'n?ltimit] -- adj. 倒数第二的

    edifice ['edifis] -- n. 宏伟的建筑

    hypothetical [?ha?p??θet?k?l] -- adj. 假设的

    fanatical adj. surpassing what is normal or accepted in enthusiasm for or belief in something; excessively or unusually dedicated or devoted

    snitch [snit?] -- v. 告密;偷

    exemplar A model, pattern, or original to be copied or imitated.

    mode [m?ud] -- n. 样式,时尚;模式

    stake [steik] -- n. 柱状;赌注

    refined adj. cultured or elegant; free from what is coarse or vulgar

    nourish [?n?ri?] -- v. 滋养,怀有(希望等)

    portable ['p?:t?b?l] -- adj. 轻便的,手提式的

    dominant ['d?min?nt] -- adj. 显性的;优势的

    reserved adj. slow to show feelings or express opinions

    firearm [fai?ra:m] -- n. (便携式)枪支

    dehydrate [`di:'haidreit] -- v. 除去水分,脱水

    taint n. trace of some bad quality or decay or infection

    din [din] -- n. 喧闹声,嘈杂声

    engrave [in'greiv] -- v. 在(硬物)上雕刻;牢记,铭记

    arcane [a:'kein] -- adj. 神秘的,秘密的

    motto ['m?t?u] -- n. 座右铭;箴言

    precinct n. area enclosed by definite boundaries, esp the walls of a cathedral, church or college

    coop [ku:p] -- n. (鸡)笼,栏

    provincial [pr?'vin??l] -- adj. 褊狭的,粗俗的

    lofty ['l?fti] -- adj. 崇高的,高尚的

    perch [p?:t?] -- v. (鸟)栖息

    ringlet ['ri?lit] -- n. 卷发

    colony ['k?l?ni] -- n. 菌群;殖民地

    grief [gri:f] -- n. 忧伤,悲伤

    forensic [f?'rensik] -- adj. 法庭的,辩论的

    tutor [?tju:t?] -- n. 助教;监护人 v. 辅导

    composite n, adj made up of different parts or materials

    testimony [?testim?ni] -- n. 证言,证明

    satisfaction n. feeling of contentment felt when one has or achieves what one needs or desires

    aperitif n. alcoholic drink taken as an appetizer before a meal

    fragrant ['freigr?nt] -- adj. 芳香的

    overt [?u'v?:t] -- adj. 公开的,非秘密的

    glacial ['glei??l] -- adj. 冰期的,冰河期的;寒冷的

    viscosity Heavy gluey quality.

    miniature ['mini?t??] -- n. 小画像;缩影

    vacuum n. space that is completely empty of all matter orgas(es)

    flask [fla:sk] -- n. 烧瓶,细颈瓶

    mysterious adj. full of mystery; hard to understand or explain

    comprehend [`k?mpri'hend] -- v. 理解;包括

    chisel ['t?iz?l] -- n. 凿子; v. 凿

    superior adj. better than average

    abscond [?b'sk?nd] -- v. 潜逃,逃亡

    makeshift ['meik`?ift] -- n./adj. 代用品(的);权宜之计(的)

    attic ['?tik] -- n. 阁楼,顶楼

    infamous adj. well-known as being wicked or immoral; notorious

    eradicate [i'r?dikeit] -- v. 根除;扑灭

    hooligan n. disorderly and noisy young person who often behaves in a violent and destructive way; young thug or ruffian

    proportion n. comparative part or share of a whole; fraction

    racketeer [?r?k??t??] -- n. 敲诈者,获取不正当钱财的人

    possession n. state of possessing; ownership

    abiding adj. enduring; permanent

    rattle ['r?tl] -- v. 使咯咯作响,使慌乱

    denizen ['deniz(?)n] -- n. 居民;外籍居民

    founder ['faund?] -- v. (船)沉没;(计划)失败;(尤指马)摔倒,绊

    misfortune n. bad luck

    establishment n. action of creating or setting up

    fringe ['frind?] -- n. (窗帘等)须边;边缘

    mild adj. (of a person or his manner) gentle; soft

    hatred n. very strong dislike; hate

    jeopardy ['d?ep?di] -- n. 危险

    committed [k?'mitid] -- adj. (对事业、本职工作等)尽忠的

    submission [s?b'mi??n] -- n. 从属,服从

    poetry n. poems collectively or in general

    cub [k?b] -- n. 幼兽;年轻无经验的人

    advanced being ahead in development, knowledge, progress, etc.

    bail [beil] -- n. 保释金; v. 保释

    slug [sl?ɡ] -- v. 猛击,拳击

    elite [ei'li:t] -- n. 精华,中坚

    lair [le?] -- n. 野兽的巢穴;躲藏处

    trade n. (with sb/sth) exchange of goods or services for money or other goods; buying and selling

    instrumentalist [instr?'ment?list] -- n. 乐器演奏者

    spinster n. (law or fml ) unmarried woman

    mastermind [?m?st??ma?nd] -- n. 策划,设计者

    anarchist n. person who believes in anarchism

    trio ['tri:?u] -- n. 三重奏,三重唱;三人一组

    resourceful [ri's?:sf?l] -- adj. 机智的

    lullaby ['l?l?bai] -- n. 摇篮曲

    scared adj. (of doing sth/to do sth) frightened

    adore [?'d?:] -- v. 崇拜,敬仰;热爱

    voluminous [v?'lju:min?s] -- adj. 长篇的;多产的

    dire ['dai?] -- adj. 可怕的;悲惨的

    depletion n. depleting or being depleted

    dazzle v. blind (sb) briefly with too much light, brilliance, etc

    instantaneous [`inst?n'teini?s] -- adj. 立即的;瞬间发生的

    aroma [?'r?um?] -- n. 芳香,香气

    formulate v. create in a precise form

    prong [pr?:?] -- v. 刺,戳,贯穿

    canary [k?'ne?ri] -- n. 金丝雀;女歌星

    kidney ['kidni] -- n. 肾

    poach [p??t?] -- v. 偷猎,窃取

    mince [mins] -- v. 切碎;小步走路

    pastry ['peistri] -- n. 糕点,点心

    oyster n. shellfish some types of which produce pearls inside their shells

    scripture ['skript??] -- n. 经文,圣典

    mythology n. study or science of myths

    folklore ['f?ukl?:] -- n. 民间传说;民俗学

    valid adj. legally effective because made or done with the correct formalities

    reflection The throwing off or back of light, heat, sound, or any form of energy that travels in waves.

    sheer [?i?] -- adj. 完全的;陡峭的;极薄的

    glitter ['glit?] -- v. 闪烁,闪耀; n. 灿烂的光华;诱惑力,魅力

    solitary ['s?lit?ri] -- adj. 孤独的; n. 隐士

    lull [l?l] -- n. 活动的暂停; v. 使平静

    skirmish ['sk?:mi?] -- n. 小战,小争吵

    veteran [?vet?r?n] -- n. 老兵,老手; adj. 经验丰富的

    limp [limp] -- v. 跛行; adj. 软弱的;松软的

    enigmatic adj. difficult to understand; mysterious

    provisions [ provision: ] the act of supplying or providing food, etc.

    underling ['?nd?li?] -- n. 下属,手下

    recipe ['resipi] -- n. 食谱

    fortitude ['f?:titju:d] -- n. 坚毅,坚忍不拔

    bolster ['b?ulst?] -- n. 枕垫; v. 支持,鼓励

    brace [breis] -- v. 使稳固,架稳; n. 支撑物

    potent adj. (of drugs, etc) having a strong effect

    loathe [l?ue] -- v. 憎恨,厌恶

    unbridled [?n'braidld] -- adj. 放纵的

    stir [st?:] -- v. 刺激

    startle ['sta:tl] -- v. 使吃惊

    trajectory [tr?'d?ekt?ri] -- n. (抛射物)弹道轨道

    irony ['ai?r?ni] -- n. 反话;出人意料的事情或情况

    spectacular [spek't?kjul?] -- adj. 壮观的,引人入胜的

    starve v. suffer severely or die from hunger

    convalescent [`k?nv?'les?nt] -- adj./n. 康复中的(病人)

    retain [ri'tein] -- v. 保留,保持;留住

    warrant ['w?r?nt] -- n. 正当理由;许可证

    assignment n. task or duty that is assigned to sb

    grenade n. small bomb thrown by hand or fired from a rifle

    moldy ['m?uldi] -- adj. 发霉的

    peppery adj. tasting of or likepepper

    bravery n. being brave; courage

    mood n. state of one's feelings or mind at a particular time

    elude [i'lu:d] -- v. 逃避;搞不清

    supplement ['s?plim?nt] -- n./v. 增补,补充

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