
中文转自天涯小筑 作者 donatino
《Side Order of Life/第二生活》是Lifetime今年夏天主推的一部剧情类轻喜剧。
如果你浑浑噩噩过了几十年,突然有一天老天打电话告诉你--嘿!你这种活法不对!快醒醒!--你会怎么做?你准备认真回答老天,还是会忽略它,亦或干脆将它送到语音信箱?OK,这当然只是一种形象的比喻,不过对我们的女主人公Jenny McIntyre来说,生活的转变是真实的,它就在眼前。特别是当Jenny最亲密的朋友Vivy被查出身患癌症,可能不久于人世,Jenny深受打击。就像是被老天突然警醒似的,Jenny突然对生活有了透彻的、与之前的视角完全不同的看法。
A photographer re-evaluates her life when her best friend is diagnosed with cancer.
"Side Order of Life" is a comedic drama about that moment in your life when the universe gives you a wake-up call. But if you're lucky enough to get it, are you ready to answer, or do you ignore it and send it to voice mail? For Jenny McIntyre, life is about to get very real, especially when the illness of her closest friend, Vivy, surprisingly provides Jenny with a new clarity and an extraordinary outlook on life. As a photographer, Jenny finds herself with the ability to make connections through the lens of her camera that were never before possible. These connections allow her to change the world around her. Jenny's journey ultimately takes her to see something that isn't clear to others, which enables her to touch people's lives. But will it also help her put her own life together?