
《猪离开了它的外套》剧情实验Fiction film
英文 《Lie Wilderness》
导演编剧摄像剪辑: 薛鉴羌
现场制片: 杜寬宏
主演: 楊豐杰 杜寬宏 楊昊豐 鄭欣 薛文蓮 杜麗霞
演出: 李雪燕 李建 胡偉華 龍翔 宋麗君 小龍 王旭陽 蘭秀 任亦飛 張凱峰 劉世孝 范凱龍 王偉 任彥 苗卓宇 杜大量 王志國 石研熒 薛月蓮 杜順平
音樂: BBW便便丸 霹雳鲁班 凡拉蒙先生 Marks of Deceased
矿上有一户人家的客厅藏着一个盒子,会跑的盒子,盒子里装着光。两个孩子在追逐的游戏中捕捉到了这个盒子,这个盒子自己影射着各种影像的碎片, 让人难以理解的盒子自己做的梦: 小杨的父亲在一次矿难中死去,但父亲留下的阴影挥之不去,这种恐惧深深地埋在了母亲和小杨的心中;在煤矿深井下的小屋内住着一个双头教师,两个小混混为小杨带路;等待他的是一个似曾相识的很难的脑筋急转弯!
0 A child living in a dream,he saw a dream,this dream,he woke up,but fall into another dream.
1 Kids who lived in Coal mine got some secret agreements with the monsters,Minority children therefore some capacity,and these capabilities have not worth in the adult world,no value.But for children,these capabilities in exchange for the most brutal price.
2 Xiao Yang’s father died in a mine,But his father left a lingering,This fear buried deep in the hearts of Xiao Yang and his mother.In the hut which under the coal mine deep well lived a two-heaed teacher.Two small bully leaded the way for Xiao Yang;there is a diffcult riddles which
he felt déjà vu waiting for him.
What does my film want to say?
I was describing a short and dreamlike life period of a person living in the coal mine. The restriction and brand, the push and realization, all these forces intertwined on his body, shaping and distorting him, with time, body and dream.
1 movie is never real,and always a dream.you can only find a real existence in its deeper.when you living in this kind of world,when you wake up you will find you just into another dream.
2 fighting,invisible rules,vagina,mined,fear,can not imagine the space which I unseen,limitations of the world and imagination,it controlled by mysterious power.The childhood which stay in here likes a nightmare.
3 The trap of fear
4 I extracted the film from my life and my body fluids.it was like a new material to bring me a new insight,such like carbon and wood conbined pencil.The raw materials I used the extremely subjective and apsthy on the sidelines of the two perspectives.Then I try to use “limited imagination”of childhood to organize the world of this film, Finally,I am thinking of how to use the pencil.