
2004 年黃修平憑首部長片《當碧咸遇上奧雲》贏得本影展「獨立精神大獎」、並於東京、釜山等多個國際影展參展,成績斐然,今回他將青春、幽默、成長、愛情等拿手元素再昇華成 一個令人心動的青春魔幻物語。性格沉鬱的阿希從小立志成為魔術師,目標是挑戰國際級魔術比賽。阿希的兒時好友 Leggo 同樣愛好魔術,兩人一起經營 Magic Café 。 Leggo 因送外賣時表演魔術而在區內人氣急升,並邂逅了在名牌二手店長 阿 Wing 。阿 Wing 夢想擁有自己的時裝店,所以她覺得一直好好計劃將來的阿希,是千載難逢的好男人。但同時, Leggo 對愛情義無反顧的付出,亦令阿 Wing 動心…… 周旋於兩個魔術男之間,阿 Wing 將如何作出抉擇?
Childhood friends Hei and Leggo run a café where they perform magic tricks for the customers. Leggo, a carefree optimist, is smitten with Wing, who works in a neighbourhood store. Wing is touched by Leggos devotion, but also sees the purposeful and mature Hei as her ideal partner. The follow-up to WHEN BECKHAM MET OWEN by director Adam Wong, who won the Independent Spirit Award at the 2004 HKAFF, MAGIC BOY is a simple love story that seeks to define what it means to grow up.