

  • 波兰
  • 别名:玛寇札塔·叔莫斯卡
  • 外文名:
  • 身高:0cm
  • 星座:双鱼座
  • 人气:0°
  • 介绍:Ma?gorzata Szumowska is the daughter of journalist and writer Dorota Terakowska and journalist and filmmaker Maciej Szumowski, sister of documentary director Wojciech Szumowski. She graduated from the National Film, Television and Theatre School in ?ód? in 1998. Prior to her film studies, she read art history at Jagiellonian University in Kraków. She became a member of the European Film Academy in 2001.
    Ma?gorzata Szumowska has received numerous awards at international and Polish film festivals. Her film etude Cisza/ Silence made it onto the list of the 14 best films in the history of the ?ód? film school, while Robert Redfords Sundance Institute recognized the script for the feature film Ono/ Stranger as one of the three best texts from Europe.
    Ma?gorzata Szumowska is among the most famous female directors of the young generation. With three full-length features to her credit - her debut Szcz??liwy cz?owiek / Happy Man (2000), followed by Stranger (2004), and 33 sceny z ?ycia / 33 Scenes From Life (2008) she has also made several documentaries and short films. Many of them received a lot of publicity, though the critics were most often divided in their views.


  • Ma?gorzata Szumowska is the daughter of journalist and writer Dorota Terakowska and journalist and filmmaker Maciej Szumowski, sister of documentary director Wojciech Szumowski. She graduated from the National Film, Television and Theatre School in ?ód? in 1998. Prior to her film studies, she read art history at Jagiellonian University in Kraków. She became a member of the European Film Academy in 2001.
    Ma?gorzata Szumowska has received numerous awards at international and Polish film festivals. Her film etude Cisza/ Silence made it onto the list of the 14 best films in the history of the ?ód? film school, while Robert Redfords Sundance Institute recognized the script for the feature film Ono/ Stranger as one of the three best texts from Europe.
    Ma?gorzata Szumowska is among the most famous female directors of the young generation. With three full-length features to her credit - her debut Szcz??liwy cz?owiek / Happy Man (2000), followed by Stranger (2004), and 33 sceny z ?ycia / 33 Scenes From Life (2008) she has also made several documentaries and short films. Many of them received a lot of publicity, though the critics were most often divided in their views.


2007年,执导纪录片《没什么好怕的》。2008年,自编自导的剧情电影《生活33景》在波兰上映,该片获得第61届洛迦诺国际电影节评审团特别奖。2009年,担任惊悚电影《反基督者》的制片人,该片由拉斯·冯·提尔自编自导 。

2010年,执导爱情电影《女人梦男人》,该片改编自弗兰兹·卡夫卡的作品《城堡》。2011年,执导由朱丽叶·比诺什、阿娜伊丝·德穆斯捷共同主演的剧情电影《她们》 。

2013年,执导由安杰列·查拉、马太乌兹·科西基维奇合作主演的爱情电影《之名》,该片入围第63届柏林电影节主竞赛单元,并获得了评审团特别奖和同志电影最高荣誉泰迪熊奖 。

2015年,执导的剧情电影《身体》在波兰上映 ,该片入围第65届柏林国际电影节主竞赛单元 ,她凭借该片获得第65届柏林电影节主竞赛单元最佳导演奖 。2017年,执导剧情电影《面目》 ,该片入围第68届柏林国际电影节主竞赛单元 。


玛高扎塔·施莫夫兹卡是一位成熟的女导演,她的电影镜头有着北欧特有的干净冷硬风格,又加入了女性特有的柔和。隐喻和意识流用的很流畅,在意识流段落镜头风格很明显,大量运用广角特写切换和柔光效果。就导演手段来说,玛高扎塔对群像的描写非常出色。只出现几个镜头的人物也十分鲜明,重要的是他们之间的层次感。在电影《之名》中,她对情感、情绪的关注和表现细腻敏感,这很容易看出来她的情怀,但是电影缺了些厚重和张力,信仰与情感欲望之间犀利的挣扎对抗处理的稍显温柔,纠结的本身也更女性化,缺乏冲击力 (网易娱乐评)。
