Born in 1960 in Antibes (in the South of France), Christophe Gans became crazy about movies at an early stage. As a teenager, he made a lot of samurai and kung fu super-8 films with his friends. At the end of the seventies, he founded the fanzine "Rhesus Zero" about B-movies. In 1980, he studied at the French cinema school Idhec and directed a short movie called "Silver Slime", a tribute to Mario Bava. In 1982, he founded the magazine "… 更多>>
Born in 1960 in Antibes (in the South of France), Christophe Gans became crazy about movies at an early stage. As a teenager, he made a lot of samurai and kung fu super-8 films with his friends. At the end of the seventies, he founded the fanzine "Rhesus Zero" about B-movies. In 1980, he studied at the French cinema school Idhec and directed a short movie called "Silver Slime", a tribute to Mario Bava. In 1982, he founded the magazine "… 更多>>
2001年,自编自导由塞缪尔·勒·比汉、莫妮卡·贝鲁奇、文森特·卡索联合主演的惊悚电影《狼族盟约》,该片根据真人真事改编 ,他凭借该片入围第28届土星奖最佳导演奖、最佳编剧奖 。
2006年,由其执导的恐怖电影《寂静岭》上映 。2010年,执导动作冒险电影《鬼武者3》 。2011年,担任动作悬疑电影《Fantomas》的导演。
2014年,执导由文森特·卡索、蕾雅·赛杜共同主演的奇幻爱情电影《美女与野兽》,该片故事讲述一位长相狰狞的怪兽其实是一位俊美的王子,他与美女之间随后上演了一出解除魔咒的美妙童话 ,获得第27届欧洲电影奖观众奖。2018年,执导动作惊悚电影《七海游侠》,该片改编自雨果·普拉特创作的同名漫画 。
在电影《美女与野兽》中,影片延续了导演克里斯多夫·甘斯的暗黑奇幻风格,故事叙述多线平行展开最后自然交合 。在他的执导下,呈现出了原汁原味的法式童话的浪漫风情 。同时,擅长运用视觉特效来打造视觉奇观的克里斯多夫·甘斯,将影片的风格一分为二,通过色彩明亮的如油画般的画面渲染了爱情的甜蜜和法国奢华的贵族文化,随后又通过阴郁狂放的暗黑系笔触,渲染了震撼人心的海难事故,森林之神因爱女被杀而施加魔咒时的狂躁,以及魔法城堡被反派入侵触发魔咒引来石头巨人武力搏斗时的精彩景象 (1905电影网、腾讯娱乐综合评)。