Carlos Dengler

    Carlos Dengler

  • 别名:Carlos Andres Dengler
  • 外文名:
  • 身高:0cm
  • 星座:金牛座
  • 人气:0°
  • 介绍:Carlos D, as he prefers to be called, is part pseudo Goth, part Latin lover, part new wave wonder and quite possibly the most flashy and stylish member of Interpol. He studied philosophy while at NYU and is probably the most verbose and articulate member of Interpol (which says a lot since they are all quite eloquent) He is half German and half Columbian and believes that his name is ethnically confusing for people. Carlos is the social butterfly of the band and has the snazziest moves while playing his bass. He used to play the keyboards when Eric wasn’t touring with them. And currently pursues another of his passions while not on tour: DJ’ing. He mostly spins 80’s/new wave stuff but also throws in some more obscure and current stuff into the mix. Catch him at a club if he comes to your town, for it is surely a sight to see and hear. Carlos is probably the easiest member to approach and seems to always be willing to talk/party with the fans. The man has a memory of steel too! He forgets nothing and no one!

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