

  (弗拉基米尔·塔拉索夫饰 )


  • Vladimir Tarasov (Russian: Владимир Тарасов; born 7 February 1939 in Moscow) is a Russian animator and animation director. He studied at the Moscow Polygraphic Institute (Moscow Fine Art and Design University) from 1965 until 1970.
    Since 1957 he worked at the studio Soyuzmultfilm first as an animator and then as an art director with V. Y. Bordzilovsky, M. A. Botoba and V. D. Degtyareva and then from 1970 till 1991 as the director. He is one of the founders of "Studio 13" and worked there as a director during the period 1991-1994. He was also an organizer and founder of the film schools in Zee Institute of Creative Arts (ZICA) in India (also a teacher and director in the period from 1995 to 1999) and Tarbiat Modares University in Iran from 2000 till 2004.
    He has worked with artists M. S. Zherebchevsky, V. Peskov, N. I. Koshkin, S. P. Tyunina and others. He received the title Honored Artist of the RSFSR in 1989.

