
Unimpassioned look at the lives of struggling L.A. scene rock stars follows main character, Gwen (Jade Gordon), on her quest for the top. Working as an assistant to a film production designer (Ally Sheedy), she tries to steal her boy friend (Larry Klein) who is a music producer by offering sexual favors. The producer meanwhile is trying to orchestrate a comeback for a former glam band played by Michael Des Barres (of Power Station fame), John Taylor (from Duran Duran), and Martin Kemp (from Spandau Ballet). Rosanna Arquette plays the former movie star wife of the lead singer, who is fretting because she has just been offered the role as the mother of one of the new ingenues. Beverly DAngelo also shows up as a millionairess who agrees to bankroll the group, but only if she gets a roll in the hay with the lead singer. All of the career problems, including drug proclivity, are represented in this film.

