简介:王储亚历山大爱上了宫廷女官奥尔佳,而沙皇尼古拉因奥尔佳身份低微欲将两人拆散。新任副官列普宁受命限制王储与奥尔佳见面。科尔夫男爵安排养女安娜在贵族化装舞会上一展歌喉,希望她借此机会进入皇家剧院。男爵之子弗拉基米尔对父亲的偏心极为不满,仍视安娜为农奴。多尔戈卢卡娅公爵夫人买通科尔夫的管家,要借他之手侵吞科尔夫庄园,并命令女儿丽莎放弃对弗拉基米尔的幻想。县首席贵族扎巴卢耶夫暗示公爵夫人自己有意迎娶丽莎……The story of "Bednaya Nastya" is set in the XIX century and features a whole tangle of various genres: romance, detective, historical drama and whatnot. The main plot of this soap-opera turns around a young and of course beautiful girl named Anna Platonova - a serf that was brought up by her patron Baron Korf who treated her like his own daughter, much to the seeming displeasure of his son Vladimir. Upon entering the High Society and meeting a noble young man Mikhail Repnin Anna doesnt even guess what kind of ordeals her life is going to go through... Love, hatred, betrayal, murder - it all has something to do with the mysterious Nastya that is being looked for during the whole series. But, as it usually happens, this massive 120-eps soap ends well, with love found, evil punished and justice triumphing.

\r\n  尼古拉告诉亚历山德拉,情诗的作者不是茹科夫斯基,而是亚历山大。列普宁为安娜安排好逃亡。科尔夫在酒馆里酗酒闹事,瑟契哈给他打气,鼓励他去寻找杀父凶手,夺回庄园。\r\n…
\r\n  马戴斯托维奇要把安娜卖到阿尔汉格尔斯克,列普宁花钱买通他延迟一小时动身,去找扎巴卢耶夫商谈。丽莎结婚时科尔夫出现,请求丽莎嫁给他,但丽莎还是决定嫁给扎巴卢耶夫。\r\n…
\r\n  科尔夫让马戴斯托维奇拿回收据,答应给他丰厚的报酬。列普宁乔装成茨冈人,想找到扎巴卢耶夫的罪证。科尔夫让安娜立即动身去彼得堡,完成把她卖给奥勃连斯基的交易。\r\n…

