• 紫荊

  • 主演:
  • 地区: 中国香港、美国
  • 年代: 0


Troubled Romance at the Edge of Ground Zero…A tale from 9/11-devastated New York…Bauhinia 紫荊: SynopsisSet in the environs of Ground Zero, New York, the site of the September 11 World Trade Center devastation, Bauhinia is a subtly powerful story of a woman's search for love, motherhood and artistic fulfillment. Naming herself after the city flower of Hong Kong, Bauhinia (Jun Li李珺) is an expatriate film student living in New York. She has been making a documentary about China's tough birth control policies. Shortly after 9/11, Bauhinia discovers that she is pregnant. While she is considering an abortion, her live-in boyfriend, Jack (Shing Ka賈勝), proposes. Then Jack suddenly leaves town because of a family crisis. Alone in post-9/11 New York, with her editing room window overlooking the still smoldering WTC site, Bauhinia is haunted by thoughts of the struggling new life within her, by footage she filmed that declaims the horror of abortions, by the threat of anthrax, and by her troubled romance……Blending fact and fiction, Bauhinia is a memorial to an unsettling time and place that is too recent for comfort.

