
云南民族文化生态村项目以就地保护,传承民族文化为首要任务。作为村寨建设,文化传承的主体,项目组及其政府协助,鼓励村民们参与项目的建设,并在此过程中培养,提高村民的能力。影片纪录了西双版纳景洪巴卡小寨村民建立自己博物馆-基诺族文化生态村博物馆的过程。The main objective of the Ethnic Culture-Ecological Villages program is the conservation of ethnic environment and the transmission of ethnic culture. In this program, the ethnic groups should play the major role, while the government only advocate and support the villages in completion of the construction. Only by making sure of having the villages being the master and learning throughout the process could the program guarantee its sustainability. The film relates the construction of a Jinuo Museum by the villages in Baka near Jinghong, Xishuangbanna.

