
The first scenes are set in some deserted beach along the east coast of Spain, perhaps in the late 70s, early 80s. Toni, the not-so-well-behaved brother is left abandoned there by his brother Charli and Tonis girlfriend Julia. Ten years later, Charli is a successful insurance salesman, and he′s married to Julia. They never heard from Toni, until one day, by chance, they come across each other. Toni is as wild as ever, an aged delinquent, who will later find out hes got a terminal leukemia. Thats when Charli tries to give his brothers life some purpose, and to make up for lost time. The leit-motiv of this movie is the dicotomy good/evil between the two brothers. Charlie, the hard worker whose soul was long lost to his companys commercial objectives. Tonis conscience works in strange ways, allowing him to save an old mans life but also to steal his wallet. Although its not a masterpiece, its a well worth watching movie, especially for the actors performances and for the beautiful sets in the spanish "Costa Brava".

